"Diana if you are worried for Hector don't be. He is the best warrior that Troy has." Paris tells me trying to help me relax but it doesn't work.

Just then guards coming running past us. That is never a good sign. Paris and I turn and follow the guards. Once we are outside of the palace I see Hector is helping a few soldier into the palace that appear to be injured. Of course no one in this time is a man of his word. Hector spots me and he looks angry. He hands one of the soldiers over to a guard as he walks up to me and grabs my arm pulling me away from the crowd.

"What do you know? Are you their spy?" Hector says as he holds me against a wall away from everyone else.

"I am no one's spy. How dare you try to accuse me of such a thing!" I yell at him as I pull my arm from his grasp.

"Then how did you know it was a trap? My men could have been killed." he tells me as his arms now move to his sides.

"Common sense. Anyone especially in this time is never loyal or honored to their word. Do not blame me for your misjudgement of the situation Prince." I tell him as I turn to walk away. "If you think Helen was all they wanted you are wrong, she was just the excuse to attack."

Walking back to the palace I run to my room only to find Paris already inside waiting for me. What in the world is he doing here? I try to ignore him as I try to find a dress to change into to get out of here. Ha to think I could change history what a fool I was.

"Diana, what in the world are you doing? What did Hector say?" Paris asks me as he runs to my side.

"Beside the fact that he accused me of being a spy? Either way it does not matter, the war continues so there is no point in me staying here." I say as I pull a dark brown dress down from a shelf.

"That isn't true, you do have a reason to be here. You have royal blood and a marriage can be formed from that." Paris tells me as he pulls the dress out of my hand. "You cannot return to the people you tried to go against."

"I went against no one! I tried to save people! Yet what in the world was I thinking, the only consistent thing in this time is death!" I yell as I hear the doors to my room burst open.

Great now I am probably going to be arrested and hung or whatever they do to people in this time. Walking out and expecting the worse I am somewhat surprised to see Hector standing alone. Paris walks out beside me and walks in front of me. As if he were guarding me.

"Brother leave us, she isn't who you think she is." Hector tells Paris.

"I know who she is. I have always known and no she is not a spy. Did she not help us like she promised you?! She brought back our cousin and has never given us a reason not to trust her!" Paris yells at Hector.

"She knew it was a trap-" Hector starts only to be cut off by Paris.

"Everyone knew it was a trap, she tried to warn you because she worried for you but you did not listen. Even father tried to warn you about going but you insisted. It was your own fault by doing so, do not blame Diana." Paris says as I stay behind him.

Hector looks between Paris and I and its hard to tell what he is thinking. To think I almost though I may or may not have been in love with Hector only to have him call me a spy! I sigh as I put my hand on Paris.

"Let him believe what he want. I'll leave and you can continue with this war killing people and separating others from their family." I tell Paris as I take my dress from his hand.

"You think we would actually let you leave? Is it not the crown you were after this whole time?" Hector has the nerve to ask me.

Looking at Hector now somewhat heartbroken I reach for the top of my head as I take the crown from my head and throw it to the ground. I didn't want this. I didn't want the crown or to be royal all I wanted to do was save Patroclus, Achilles and even Hector.

"Take your crown and shove it up your ass." I say as I turn and walk out of the room.

"Yet you have the nerve to call me the stupid one." Paris says as he follows me out of the room.

Hector's POV

I bow my head low as Diana and Paris leave the room. What have I done? Did I really accuse the woman I love for being a spy just because she worried about me? There is no way she would ever accept me now. Against my better judgement I walk outside and look out to see Diana on her way to the wine cellar that she knew was an exit to the palace. Paris close behind her begging her to stay and reconsider. Running out of her room I try to make it to the cellar as fast as I can.

"You're too late, nothing I could say or do could make her stay. You brother are now the cause of this unhappiness." Paris tells me as he walks out of the cellar.

"Did she tell you anything?" I ask him as I stop him from leaving.

"All she said was she was sorry and that she had no right to try and change things for the better." Paris says as he pushes past me. "You drove her right to Achilles arms you fool!"

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