Chapter 6

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I shift her body gently and wiggle out from underneath her, making sure to tuck the blanket in around her.

She looks so delicate now, her eyes shut, and face peaceful, she looks fragile like the softest of winds could blow her away. Oh how deceiving it is. Rose could never be fragile. Though beautiful like the flower, my Rose is cloaked in thorns. She's the strongest and sometimes scariest person I know and I love it. I love everything about her.

I guess I should go find Lissa before I turn into more of a poetic sap than I already am. I close the door softly behind me and pray Rose doesn't wake until I get back or I'll have hell to pay. I really shouldn't be sneaking off without my guardian...

The courtyard is beautiful in the setting sun. It's our morning now. A newly lit clove cigarette finds my mouth while I prowl looking for Lissa.

"Cousin" She greets, seated on a bench under a tree. She looks exhausted; her aura is tinged with black. The darkness clearly is bothering her.

"Didn't sleep well?" Lissa shakes her head in response.

"Why did you come here? Is there something you need to tell me?" I sit on the wooden bench next to her. There's no escaping this conversation now.

"You should really let Rose help you with the darkness" I counter avoiding the inevitable. She looks taken aback.

"Maybe next time instead of being proud and giving her a killer headache through the bond you could just let her help you."

"I – She – what?" Lissa demands.

"She's sleeping right now."

We sit in silence like that for a while. I blow perfectly formed smoke rings –they float so gently in the breeze around us.

"Stop that" Lissa coughs.

"What don't want to admire my art?" I tease.

"No, I don't need the whole court thinking I've adopted your bad habit either." I scowl.

"Adrian, I can see it in your aura – you're hiding something. What is it?" For the first time I really look at her closely. Worry is etched into her ivory complexion. Her jade eyes are full of fear. She looks anxious. I guess going off to university does that to a person. I guess caring about Rose does that too. My eyes catch sight of something on her neck.

"Lissa, is that... a hickey?" The words are out of my mouth before I can stop them.

"What!? Where?!" She screeches and pulls a compact mirror from her designer purse.

Laughter erupts form my lips as she tries to cover it with some concealer. "Guess things between you and fire crotch got a little bit too heated"I joke.

Lissa simply glares. "If that's all you have to say to me Ivashkov I'm leaving." She rises. I panic, I promised Rose I'd take care of this one for her.

"Roseisnolongeryourguardian." The words fly from my lips.

"Come again?" Smooth Ivashkov smooth.

I take a deep breath. Annunciate this time you dolt I tell myself. "Rose is no longer your guardian."

"WHHATT!?" She screams. Damn. I really thought I got it out that time.

"Rose. Got. Reassigned." I say slowly for maximum comprehension.

Lissa looks on the verge of tears or manslaughter. "To whom?" she asks in an eerily calm voice.

"To me!" I say and all hell breaks loose.

Is it legal to hit a woman? I don't know but right now I'm not sure I care. To say Lissa would be angry was the understatement of the year. Thanks Rose. Lissa is out for blood. I duck again from her bloody purse she keeps trying to hit me with.

"Ouch! Damnit Lissa! What do you keep in there? A hammer? The kitchen sink?" I clutch my arm to my body.


"What did I do!? It's the queen's fault! Blame her!" I duck again trying to escape her murderous clutches. Hell why did I offer to do this for Rose?

"You had better fix this NOW!" She screams at me.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Damnit Lissa where did you learn such good aim? Did Rose teach you or something?" That purse hurts! What's even in that thing anyways?

She swings again just grazing my side. I flail wildly until my fingers catch the side of the material. I wrap them in to whatever they can grab and pull with all my strength. It's a good thing I've been hitting the gym while Rose was gone. The purse comes to me with ease. A grin spreads across my face. Awh shit I forgot to account for momentum. I go tumbling backwards barely catching myself on the edge of the bench. By some miracle I manage to steady myself and drop the purse on the bench behind me.

Shock is plastered all over Lissa's face.

"Liss" I say tentatively. "Lissa, it wasn't my choice. It was the Queen's orders."

"Ohmygosh are you okay?" She asks panic rising in her jade eyes.

"I'm fine cousin, I'm fine. It takes more than a purse to get the best of this Ivaskov!" She still looks slightly dangerous.

"Okay" Lissa says dejectedly. "Now give me back Michael."

"Michael? You named your purse Michael?" I ask incredulously.


"Does Christian know about you and Michael?" I tease. Lissa scowls.

"Gosh Liss what do you keep in that thing anyways? It's heavy!"



"Textbooks" She affirms a laugh bubbles from her lips.

Soon the two of us are laughing hysterically, clutching our sides which are in stitches.

"Is that the time?" I hear her groan. Reality here we come.

"Yup – Oh hell!" I yelp.

"What?" Lissa asks looking mildly amused. "Late for meeting some suitor?"

"Nooo. I was gonna grab Rose a coffee before she woke up!"

Lissa laughs. She's laughing at me in my moment of need! What a woman.

"Well you better hop to that" She smirks, as if she knows something I don't.

I put on my best puppy dog eyes and say "but she's going to be so upset I left her!"

Yes! I can see my magic working! Lissa is a sucker for my charms!

"Finnneee" She caves. "You better make that a latte with vanilla and a cinnamon bun with lots of the cinnamon goo."

"Thank you! Thank you!" I shout, blowing her kisses as I run off to the court's café.


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