Chapter 5

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Guilt gnaws at me for not absorbing the darkness but for once I don't want to deal with her.

"Rose, are you ok? You're being entirely calm about this whole thing."

I nod and shake my head biting my lip.

"Yes and no? Come on now..."

I gasp. Pain splits through my skull as if the skin is peeling away from the bone. It throbs as if being repeatedly hit by a hammer. A large one at that. I find myself on the floor –knees buckled beneath me.

"A-adrian" I manage fingertips pressed to my temples.

He stops walking abruptly. "Rose, Rose, oh hell what's wrong? Your head? Sweetheart, tell me so I can help. Sweetie let me make it better?" He sinks to the ground next to me.

I shake my head. "L-lissa" I stutter. "T-the b-bond – darkness." I manage.

"No Rose you can't. Not now. You can't absorb the darkness like this. Here let me help." His fingers caress mine before moving them aside. Heat spreads through my temples easing the pain immediately.

I struggle to my feet willing my legs to take my weight.

"Oh no you don't. You're not walking after that." If I've learned one thing it's to not argue with an Ivashkov unless you have a death wish. Presently I do not.

The ground beneath my feet vanishes. My face ends up tucked into his chest faced with that dangerously intoxicating scent of his. Two strong arms support me while I lay like a ragdoll.

"Adrian" I groan. "I'm fine now. I can walk. Put me down. I'm probably heavy."

"Your never ending faith in me and my manly powers is astonishing Miss Hathaway!" he jokes voice cloaked in heavy sarcasm. I can hear his grin. I glare into his chest.

He must have sensed my glare with his spidy senses for he adds "Rose, relax. Just let me carry you already. You're shaking like a leaf; don't even try to deny it."

"Don't you dare drop me Ivashkov" I growl into his chest.

"Wouldn't dream of it sweetheart" Adrian replies voice coated in sugar; dread seeps through me.

"AHHHHH" I yelp flailing my arms wildly. Gravity pulls my navel to the ground. My stomach drops flipping and flopping. The sense of falling is never pleasant. His arms catch me in seconds. I walked into that one.


"Got you!"


He just laughs at me. He laughs! I swear if he wasn't so damn attractive I'd give him a new face for that stunt. No one gets away with almost dropping Rose Hathaway –well almost no one. We finally reach my room. "Key please" Adrian says sweetly still grinning from his earlier stunt.After all that fuss about him carrying me I feel a reluctance to move. His arms are warm and comforting and I don't want to move. As if sensing my reluctance he asks "Are they in your pocket?" I simply nod.

"God Rose you're so helpless when you're tired." Surely he's kidding. Adrian shifts my weight to fish out my keys from my jean pockets.

He's clearly had a lot of practice opening doors with women in his arms I can't help but scowl as the door swings open. Adrian is if anything a womanizer. His charm makes him quiet irresistible if I do say so myself. Wait... I did not just think that. Nope. Nope. Nope. He sets me down delicately on the couch. It's as he's scared I'm going to fall apart or break or something. I haven't had a breakdown since we came to court. I thought I was doing well –apparently not.

"Pick a movie." Adrian says, ever so gently. I can't help but pretend he only speaks that way to me. The other women make me feel bitter.

"Surprise me" I say too tired to care.

"okay" Adrian curls up next to me on the couch and pulls a blanket over us. He presses a few buttons on the remote to start the movie.

"No popcorn?" I tease curling up into the warmth of his body.

"Sorry little dhampir, didn't want to keep you waiting". His features are soft in the gentle glow of the floor lamp.

"Legally Blonde Adrian, really?" I can't help the laugh that escapes me.

"What!? Who says I can't like romantic comedies too! Besides they're good to cuddle to. And if you haven't noticed the main girl is both hot and badass kinda like you." As if anticipating my next response he adds "just different kinds of badass, she's hot blonde and a good lawyer, you're beautiful, strong, and dangerous." My heart flutters.

"Lissa is going to be mad" I say. Way to kill the moment Hathaway.

"I'll deal with Lissa, don't worry she'll understand." That's all the comfort I need.

Legs intertwined we snuggle under the warmth of the blanket and my eyes slide closed.

Adrian (POV)

Her breathing deepens and soon she is asleep. My precious Rose. I cannot believe that auntie actually assigned her to me. She must have some idea of how I feel towards Rose. I know she'd disapprove. Yet here she is, curled up onto of me. The night passes quickly but sleep continues to evade me. I can't help but think this is much like one of my dreams. Maybe it is. A loud snore pulls me from my reverie. Oh Rose. This can't be one of my dreams. There is most definitely a snoring Rose on top of me. It feels so good to hold her in my arms. I swear to god if I ever see that bastard Belikov again I will kill him. I will kill him for what he did to her –my Rose. She is finally back to herself - most of the time. But I can see through that mask. Her aura often says elsewise. There's something new too though, something I can't quite place.


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