The door was really heavy, it wouldn't budge. I tried three times but i didnt open. 

I tried for the last time, happily. 

If this doesn't open I won't be able to go in and then i can go home and- 

My thoughts were interrupted by a creaky noise and the door in front of me opened. My mouth hung open. 

What the fuck?! How did the door open on its own? I didn't even push this time. 

Oh god I knew it, Ghosts were real. And this place probably had a lot of them.

After hyperventilating for a minutes, i regained my senses.

You're a big girl April, just go in and be done with this task , the sensible part of me spoke.

Which wasn't that sensible right now.

Trembling with fear, I silently started to walk in. Passing through the narrow pathway, I came across some stairs. 

After 5 minutes of ascending up the stairs, I stood in an open place. I slowly started to look around. There were a lot of spider webs, indicating how untouched the place had been. I could see a lot of  small plants growing from the ground and some across wall of the tunnel. The Moon could be clearly seen from above here. 

The open place opened up to three more passage ways, leading somewhere i didn't know of.

Maybe they're connected to three different tunnels.

I started to walk towards my nearest passageway.

It was guarded by a  door. 

I tried to open it but it was locked in its place. I did the same with other two passageways, but their doors were sealed as well.

What the hell is this place?

Remembering my task, I quickly a took picture of the tunnel for my friends. I hurriedly put my phone in my coat and rushed towards the exit of the tunnel. 

Just as i was about to exit, I felt someone grab my shoulders from behind me.

Before i could even scream, my mouth was wrapped around by a firm hand.

As on cue, I started kicking and moving violently, in an attempt to escape.

"I'm gonna say this once, you're not going to scream once i release you," The deep voice was enough for me to know that it was a man.

I nodded in reply.

I turned around to came across and man looking me through his electric blue eyes. 

A serial killer, most probably.

Just as i was going to make a run for it, the man grabbed my forearm, holding me captive in front of him. 

I couldn't control the shriek that left my mouth.

"What did i say about screaming?" he grunted.

"Stay away from me you, asshole!" I yelled, as soon as i was released.   

I started to wiggle out of his hands but his grip was tight enough to hold me in place.

" Look, I'm not gonna hurt you." he said in a soft voice.

"Let go of me you bastard, or help me god, you will regret it! " I threatened, trying a little hard to get out of his grip. 

" Yea? And what are you gonna do if I don't ?" he smirked, amused by the situation.

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