Interview with Author: inkzerospace (Emmy)

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Can you see your story as a movie in the future?

      If my book were ever to become a movie, I would have exceeded my expectations and dreams. I would love to see Beloved Beast as a movie.

How long did it take you to write and did you ever expect the response you got from it?

      It took me a little over a year to actually complete my first novel. I was immensely surprised by all the wonderful and incredibly amazing support I was receiving. I wasn't expecting it and am still amazed at this point in time.

Do you find that, when you write, some of your own personal traits, virtues and faults are reflected in your words and characters?

     I try creating characters that are versatile and very diverse. I think at times I unknowingly give them particular traits that reflect me, but I do so subtly. I would rather create characters that are so unlike one another and realistic, at times I'll revert to how I myself would react in a situation but if I did so every time the characters wouldn't be very different. I try and stray from putting myself in a character. I think if I did it would limit my writing skills tremendously.

If you could meet any ONE of your characters in the flesh, and have a conversation with them, who would it be and why?

      Definitely Don Rossetti from Beloved Beast. He was my most tormented and brooding character who's dark heart was believed almost impenetrable.

If you could only say one sentence to him, what would you end up saying?

     I would probably say and though somewhat cliche...was it love at first sight?

Aw! Anyway, what is it about writing that you enjoy so much, and why?

      Writing romance appeals to my hopeless romantic heart. I love putting words to the images I conjure in mind. I love being able to tell a story of two protagonists falling hopelessly in love and conquering all that may hinder or deter it.

Have you ever considered trying to get any of your stories published, because honestly, Beloved Beast is better than some published stories I've read and bought.

       Firstly, thank you SO much!! That is incredibly encouraging to hear and is most assuredly enlightening. I seek to get published. It's a dream of mine, despite my wavering fears that somewhat deter me, that I'm eager to achieve. I'm actually in the process of having a friend edit Beloved Beast in hopes of pursuing getting it published afterwards. :)

Really? I wish you luck in your attempt! There's no doubt, you definitely deserve it! Do you have any particular favourite novels, and can you name a few? Did these books influence how you write today and the genre you write?

       Thank you hun!!! That means more to me than you know.:))) Where do I even begin?! A few favorites of mine would be Island Flame by Karen Robards, The Black Dagger Brotherhood series by J.R Ward. I'm an avid reader of Christine Feehan. I've read all her Dark Series. I absolutely loved the Twilight Saga. Fifty Shades of Grey and of course the classic Pride and Prejudice. All these books have influenced and inspired me in each and every way. Their characters appeal to me tremendously, most especially the male protagonists in the J.R Ward series. They're undeniably raw in their masculinity. I love Karen Robard's style of writing and way with dialogue. Without books and its authors I certainly wouldn't be chasing my dream.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2013 ⏰

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