As if on cue, I felt the burning sensation of his breath fan the back of my neck, and I shuffled closer to my locker, trying to create some distance between the two of us.

All at once, my body was yanked around, my back slammed against the locker next to mine, pain shooting up my spine as I winced.

I was staring into the murky depths of forest green eyes, black tinting the inner iris of them as they narrowed at my blue ones.

"H-hi...Michae-" I didn't have enough time to utter out my greeting before he cut me off abruptly, his hands coming to cage me in as they planted themselves beside my head.

"You told them yes" he growled. He did that alot whenever he spoke to me in a demeaning sort of tone.

"What?" I whispered, not following.

"You. f*cking. said. Yes." he pronounced each syllable with the same amount of venom, increasing the volume of his voice with each word.

"I-I..." I had no answer for his accusation, because he was right.

I had told his parents that I would do it, that I would marry him in exchange for their help with my mother's medical condition and our sea of debt that we were wading in. I couldn't refuse the offer, I desperately needed it. I wasn't doing this for Michael. I was doing this for me. For my mother.

"I had to" my breathing was rigid as he tilted his head on a slant slightly, inching his face more towards mine in a menacing gaze.

"You had too? Bullshit"

"No it's not" my voice was steady, and I found myself becoming slightly angry.

"It's f*cking bullshit, Miley. You shouldn't have done that, you shouldv'e just stayed out of my life"

"I'm sorry, but your mom said-"

"Don't f*cking tell me what my mother said. I was there. I know what she said. I live with the damn woman" he spat at me through gritted teeth. I don't think I've ever seen Michael so angry before.

"Whatever the f*ck she said to you to convince you to do this, is f*cking stupid. I want you to stay out of my f*cking life. It's much better without you in it you-"

"Michael, stop" a voice cut his off and Michael huffed at the interruption and he slammed his hand on the locker beside my head before pushing himself upright, taking a step back.

Calum Hood stood a little ways behind him, and he placed a hand on Michael's shoulder.

"Michael c'mon, let's just skip the last two periods. We don't have to stay" Calum reasoned and Michael just rolled his eyes before stalking off down the hallway.

Calum wasn't in a hurry to catch up though, "How have you been?" he asked me.

Calum Hood. Taller than me, jet black hair cut short, a medium build and an Australian accent, just like Michael. We were close friends two years ago. But he was closer to Michael, and by the time our breakup and come around, Michael thought that Calum was choosing sides.

Michael thought that Calum was choosing my side, to be more exact.

And after countless arguments, Calum decided that it would be best to remain friends with Michael, and occasionally talk to me, if he had too.

I took in a shaky breath, closing my eyes and hugging myself, "I haven't been happy in two years"

Why was he so cold to me? If anything, it should really be the other way around. I wasn't the cause of our falling out, yet he's acting like it. I don't understand.

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