porn and triggers

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Hope you liked that filler chapter! Now to the dramatic stuffs

Daves pov

Karkats computer was on the floor with a blanket on it, I wonder what he was doing on there instead of watching his romcoms like usual "yo kitkat what were you doing on your computer? Watching porn?" I asked and he angrily growled, adorably if I mad add "NO DAVE I WAS NOT WATCHING PORN FOR FUCKS SAKE WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU THINK THAT I WAS WATCHING PORN?!" (dirk draw me some porn, jk)

"Well your blanket is on it so you probably had it on you while you watched in secrect" I laughed "WHAT? NO! NO DAVE I WAS NOT WATCHING PORN AND IF YOU ADD ANOTHER COMMENT ABOUT ME WATCHING PORN I WILL END YOU" "kitkat, I honestly would like to see you try to end me but you love me too much and you know it" I taunted kissing his nose and walking upstairs "hey kitkat if you need me I'll be in the shower, unless you want to join me~" I smirked earning a blush and I went upstairs and took a shower.

Karkats pov

"I told you to stay away" was all I could hear before my vision turned black.

-tem skip- [warning, triggers!]

Where am i? Why can't I move? What's happening? Were all questions I asked myself while I was unconscious, but I just woke up, I could answer most of those, the light in the room It was was very dim though and it flickered every once I'm a while, I seemed to be tied up but I couldn't really turn my head to see what I was tied to, where am i? Well, seems like hell to me, what's happening? My vision is still blurry but I see a shadow, it looked like a girl but I was not so sure.
"Hello karkat vantas" said a woman's voice, I tried to open my mouth but I couldnt. "Karkat I WARNED YOU" she shouted and began hitting me "a mutant like you could never be loved by someone as perfect as dave! Your tricking him!" She began to hit harder, it really did hurt, especially when she hit the scars, she was furios, an d I couldn't even talk!, after I was covered in enough cuts and bruises she pointed the gun at my head, I was crying hard now, I didnt know what to do "POW!"

Flushed For You DaveKatWhere stories live. Discover now