Chapter 7 - Hospital Visit

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Basically this is a short version on the stuff that happened last chapter... Kinda.

Tsuna and Kyoya are Childhood friends.

Both their mothers are friends.

When both their 'fathers' went to 'work' in Europe or specifically at Italy.

They got home and heard banging on the door.

Their mothers told them to hide in the closet or cabinet.

They kinda saw everything on the inside.

But from the outside view its just a cabinet or closet.

They did hear everything.

They found out their 'fathers' work for the mafia .

President CEDEF-Iemitsu.

Vice Presiden CEDEF -Kyoya's 'father.'

Their mothers got shot.

Not dead..


Namimori Japan,

Tsuna's Office.


"So why are you here Kyoya?"

"Do you need anything?"

The Omnivore asked.

"Hn. Breakfast."

[I came to get you for breakfast.]

Tsuna looked at the clocked 6:30 am


The Omnivore thought.

"You know..Kyoya"

"You don't have to talk 1-5 words if where alone now.."

The brunette said.

"Their's no Noisy Herbivores."

Quoted Tsuna.

"Hn. Easier."

Kyoya started.


Answered Tsuna.

"I'll be complicated to understand."

Kyoya continued..

Tsuna thought about it.


Answered the brunette.

"Specially on missions."

"Uh huh!"

He answered again.

"Look who's talking one word now."

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