The Hospital (part two)

Start from the beginning

“Anytime!” He ruffled my hair and went back over to the couch. “Aren’t you hungry? You haven’t eaten since you got here.”

“Nah, I’m fine. I don’t eat much anyway so I’ll be fine…”

He gave me a weird look but then shrugged. “Okay.”

I took a shower and then brushed my hair and moved it around so that it’d look better than the mess it was before. I had to get in the creepy hospital clothes thing and then soon enough the doctor and some nurses came searching for me. I went out with them desperately trying to make the hospital gown not show my ass to the entire world. We got to the room and they had me stand on a scale. I was 91 pounds. The doctors gave me horrified stares and I gave them my .-. wha? face.  I guess 91 pounds isn’t good for a 14 year old. They moved on and took my height and my pulse, then they hooked me up to a machine and made me lay down.

I saw the anesthesiologist come in and he started to gas me. I could feel myself getting slowly more tired.

“Count back from 100,” he said.

“Okay...100…99…98…97…” I got to about 89 when I started fading. My surroundings turned black and I was knocked out.

*Adam’s PoV*

I went out to the waiting room and saw Neil, Brad and Barry all sitting there. I smiled when I noticed how everyone was scared of them. Parents scooted over away from them and there were a bunch of empty seats around them. People were giving them stares as if trying to make sure they didn’t pull anything on them.

I sat down next to them.

“Whoa dude you look like you got no sleep!” Neil said.

I ran my hand through my hair messing it up even more. “Heh, yeah. I got sleep just not good sleep…”

I sighed and Brad came over to me.

“So what do you think about the whole adopting Tosh thing? I mean what’s going to happen? Where’s she going to stay?” he asked me.

“I don’t know. I’ve got an extra room in my house that I could make hers and-well-I don’t know! But I’ll figure it out alright?” I answered. I guess he could hear that I was irritated. No sleep and stuck in a hospital is rough, I could only wonder how Tosh felt right now. Brad stood up and went back over to his chair.

“I’m sorry Adam. I’m just trying to get this figured out…”

“No Brad don’t be sorry I’m just trying to figure it out too…”

The rest of the time went by silently. We all sat there looking awkward as other people received their good or bad news and we just waited. Finally a doctor came out to us holding his clipboard and staring at us.

“Which one of you is the parent of Tosh Gontier?” he asked in a boring tone flat voice.

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