Chapter 10

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"No this is not awesome! Not only do we have to buy a new metal door, but a new bed!" Liam complained and I rolled my eyes.

"Yes it is!" I got my powers! Telekinesis I guess!" I picked a shirt one of the boys got me and folded it neatly, trying to put it in the drawer but failed. It just fell to the ground. No matter how frustrated I got, the boys just stared and I just rose my temper. I finally gave up.

"Told you that you can't do everything on your own." Zayn grumbled and I rolled my eyes and smirking. I lifted my hand in the air and tried to focus on picking him up. I lifted him off the ground as he started yelling.

"Alex! Put me down you-" he paused, very angrily and I stopped spinning him around.

"You what?" I narrowed my eyes and my temper rose a bit. I lost focus and dropped Zayn to the ground, him falling on his face. He got angry and dusted himself off, storming out of the room. The boys were laughing hysterically at the little dispute we were having.

"Alright. Lessons in an hour, get ready." Harry smiled and kissed my cheek. I huffed and wiped it off, giving him 'the death glare' and he frowned, following the boys out of the room.

"Yeah. Lessons. Right." I smiled and grabbed my blankets, making a bed on the floor.


Louis p.o.v

"It's nearly 10 after! Where is she!" Niall said impatiently.

"She's not coming. Duh." Zayn rolled his eyes. "I read her mind, and she's sleeping." He sighed and took a look at his hands. I was angry. All we were trying to do is help her!

"That's it. Liam you come with me incase she needs influenced." I grabbed onto his shirt and we teleported to her room where she slept peacefully in a pile of blankets. I rolled my eyes and picked her up, teleporting all three of us back outside. I set her down.

"Niall, make it rain over Al." I smirked and he did.

"W-what in the name of-" she was squealing and noticed Niall doing what he was told. She simply gave him the meanest look and with a lift of her hand, twisted his arm behind his back.

"Okay, okay!" He cried out and made it stop raining.

"And why weren't you here for lessons?" Liam crossed his arms.

"Like I said before, I can figure everything out myself." She huffed and I rolled my eyes.

"Well, we were going to save this lesson for later. But I guess if you think you can learn by yourself, this lesson is mostly that." I smiled.

"Um ok." She said. I sent the boys a mind message saying which 'lesson' we're doing.

"Alright, well who wants to step of first, to see if Alex can learn to fight against other vampire powers... By herself. Harry, don't go easy." Niall said.


Alex p.o.v

I stood up and planted my feet very firmly, ready to defend myself against each of the boys' powers.

"I'll go first." Zayn smiled. The easiest, I thought.

"Not exactly." Zayn sassed and I growled. He bared his teeth and ran for me. I lifted my hand in the air where Zayn was, and in a flash he was beside me, smiling. I instantly became frustrated with myself... Why wasn't I able to pick him up, or do anything?!

"Did I mention I was the fastest? As in moving because I know what you'll do before you take action, and as in out of the 5 of us." He smirked and pulled my hair, jerking my head down and switching to my other side pushing me down. I landed on my butt and Zayn stood in front of me. I kicked my right leg up to kick up where the sun doesn't shine, yet he caught my foot, twisting my body around. I screamed in pain as I heard my ankle crack. But I knew it was healing as fast as it could already.

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