Chapter 5

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Alex p.o.v

"A vampire." I looked at myself in the mirror. It all made sense. I gathered my makeup and started to get ready for school. And the only thing that I could possibly think about was the one and only Harry. Why did I have to have feelings for a vampire... A vampire! This was the first time I've ever even had feelings. But now it's just going to be harder... All he's going to do is neglect me. I know that he wanted to suck the life out of me.. But he didn't.

I walked down block to my bus stop. I was one of the 10 people who rode my bus. I could drive, but I needed to save the gas for when I need it later. I was surprised to see someone sitting on the bench, with a newspaper infront of their face. So I just sat beside it.

"Um, beautiful morning huh?" I tried making conversation.

"Sure is!" He pulled the paper down to reveal a very calm, happy, and peaceful happy Harry. I gasped at who was before my eyes, and my hand flew up to my chest. But I very surprisingly didn't freak out, scream, but I smiled. He seemed a little shocked at my reaction; probably hoping to expect more.

"Don't worry. I can control myself." He said and I nodded my head. "Mind if I sit by you on the bus?" And I once again nodded my head, adding a warm smile. The butterflies erupted in my stomach, bouncing off the walls. He kept a little bit of a distance, which is what made me more comfortable, but probably to him too.

"You look beautiful today." He winked and I blushed. "Thank you." I laughed. I was wearing a cute little yellow sundress. Even though it wasn't exactly sunny or all that warm. But down here you took every chance you get.

Why was I being so nice to the boy who almost ate me? I don't know but I don't think he did either. The rest of the day went by pretty quickly, and Harry walked me out to the parking lot. Jamie was surprised, shocked, out of breath, but she just giggled and walk away winking at me behind Harry's back.

"Great." Harry said under his breath as we entered the parking lot. I looked at what his cold stare was turned attention to. To my surprise, it was four boys leaning on the sides of the shiny range rover. I gasped and looked at Harry.

"Who are they, and what is that?"

"Um. Those are my best mates." He said shakily.

"Are they-"

"Yes." My eyes widened and I gulped.

"Don't-don't worry they're under complete control I'm the youngest, so I'm doing really well for being so young. Just don't be worried." I cracked my fingers and stared at Harry's begging eyes.

"But why do they look so- angry?" I questioned.

"I lied a little bit." He looked away. "About not even coming close to you, keeping my distance, but-"

"Harry.." I whined.

"Hey, don't worry, don't worry let's just uh- go." And with shaky knees, we went.

"Told you." Niall crossed his hands.

"Shut up Niall." One of them growled. Okay one is Niall.

"So, Harry. Who's this?" A boy with greyish blue eyes smiled sassily.

"Oh, just a friend. Alex." One of the boys' eyes went red.

"She knows?!" The tan boy with big hair yelled and slammed Harry into the side of the shiny vehicle. I jumped back at the quick and swift movements.

"What?!" They all shouted in unison and gathered around Harry, talking quickly and quietly so that I couldn't hear until finally it broke up.

"So Alex, do you like sushi?" The boy with big brown eyes and shorter brown hair smirked.

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