Chapter 4

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"Is.. the new kid in here? How did you get in my house!" I shouted, scared out of my mind. No response.

The blankets were thrown off of my body and my neck was painfully cracked to the side. Liquid dripped onto my neck as the smell was strong as ever. I shivered under the touch of what felt like a snowman. I didn't scream, I silently cried begging for mercy. Cold breath drew on my neck.

"I hate myself." He whisper-screamed angrily. In a flash, the thing was in a corner, hands beside him.

"I'm just as allured to you as you are to me." He breathed heavily.

"Don't come near me, don't talk to me, I don't want you getting hurt." Tears welled up in my eyes. Why is he here then?!

"W-why? Why did you just hurt my neck I don't und-"

"There's a lot of things you don't know about other people or things in this world. Or about yourself. That's what being hidden is all about." He walked very calmly out of the dark shadow towards where I sat up, dazed. I was under a trance almost. He was even more beautiful than thee last time I saw him.

He looked at me with a painful expression, a beautiful and painful expression. His eyes glimmered with a dark green. We probably stood there for what 5 minutes?

Until his eyes shifted a dark and hungry red.

"What the actual-" I tried saying and he was by my side in a flash once again. His feigns triggered out of his gums and I started crying once again.

"Stop, stop please-" I whispered as he inched closer. Shaking his head, the red disappeared and he choked back a cry.

"I- I'm sorry I don't know why I put you in this danger. I- I'm sorry Alex. Just remember what I said." He cried and flashed out of my window in the blink of an eye. I ran to the window calling his name. But he was nowhere to be found. My tv flickered back on and the extra lights as well. The storm was just about over, and a shimmer of light rain glistened over the yard.

"What are you- what are you doing Alex?" Jamie wiped her sleepy eyes.

"Nothing, nothing." I wiped my tears and climbed back under my covers.

"Harry. Harry is a vampire." I whispered to myself.

Harry's p.o.v

I am the most stupid, and idiotic thing to walk this earth. Why did I have to go into her HOUSE for crying out loud!

Everything started today. She ran into me first in the hallway. I couldn't look at her, I just had to run. I would completely faze out and drain her body then and there, creating basically world war three. Then of course she had to sit by me in choir. By all means, I wanted her to sit by me, I just wanted to touch her, kiss her, hug her and I barely knew her. I guess I had a magnetic pull to her to say the least. But I tend to psych myself often. Her aroma smells so good so tasty, but I can't make friends... girlfriends... Anything. Why? Because I'm a bloodsucking demon...

I figured after school I wouldn't be any harm to her when watching her out the window. She was looking for me, I could sense she was thinking about me and I got so focused on the reason why I had to allow her to be hooked on me or why she doesn't stop thinking about me I kind of fell out of the tree. My cover was almost blown but I didn't care. I watched her and her friends anyways. Later that night... I just couldn't stop I guess you could say. I came so close to drinking her delicious blood.

I fled her house and went back to our house back in the woods. The woods that NO ONE is allowed or wants to enter. Because they simply can't find the courage. Not like we eat every trespasser, just simply scare them out. Oh yeah 'we'- as in me and my other four best mates. Niall, Zayn, Liam, and Louis. I attend the school to live the life that I wish to live... But they don't seem to care that much, so they simply don't go.

"Where have you been?" Liam jumps up from the couch when I walk in.

"Oh just, around." I rubbed my arm and tried to shuffle my way to the staircase.

"Yeah like around his girlfriend's house..." Niall walked by and laughed before sipping on a mug of blood.

"Girlfriend?" Liam shouted and the other boys rushed to the scene.

"No not a girlfriend!"

"That's not what I heard.." Niall said and I whipped to him.

"You didn't 'hear' anything you can just hear what everyone is thinking!" I scrunched my eyebrows together.

"Look she's not my girlfriend, I just am allured to her a little tiny bit but it didn't get TOO out of hand, not like I almost drained her body or anything-" i pursed my lips together and cleared my throat.

"You what?" Louis asked, wide-eyed.

"Harry..." Liam put a hand up to the bridge of his nose and sat down shaking his head.

"It didn't happen I don't know why I'm just so interested in her, her beauty, her-"

"Mhm... Well it seems as if Mr. Styles has the love bug indeed." Zayn whooped and I rolled my eyes.

"Well, you listen here. It's all on YOU if you turn her or hurt her. I advise you stay away from her." Liam cautioned.

"Okay I will I promise."

"That's a lie." Niall snickered by reading my thoughts and I squinted my eyes at him.

"And that's not a nice word!" He gasped and I laughed, running upstairs.

"Night." I skipped up the stairs.

I can control myself, she just has to be my ambition and reminder to control myself around her.

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