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"Addie," a quiet voice startled her as Adeline looked up into the swollen, tear stained face of her younger sister.

"Camilla." Adeline stood up and stepped away from the shore, taking her sister's hand in hers. "What happened?"

She wiped her hands on her damp cheeks before answering Adeline's question. "I-" she broke off, "I just wanted to apologize for my behavior," she took a deep breath, "and to tell you goodbye."

"You are still going to marry him?"

"Yes, Addie, I love him." Adeline scoffed at such an ignorant answer.

"You think you love him. There is a difference, Camilla."

"I do love him, Addie! At least he did not-" Camilla bit her lip.

"At least he did not what? Did not break off an engagement with you?" Adeline glared at her younger sister.

"I was not going to say that!"

"You were, too. Now tell me, what do you love about him?" She stared at her cocky sister with challenge in her bright blue eyes.

"His personality," was Camilla's vague reply. Adeline smirked.

"What about his personality?" Adeline tilted her head towards the sky, soaking in the sun's feeble rays as it attempted to make its way out from behind the clouds.

"Everything!" Camilla exclaimed dramatically, putting a hand to her heart. Adeline snickered, staring at her sister as though she were a joke, which she slightly was at the very moment.

"Everything? What are his favorite pastimes?"

"Pastimes men do." At this childish answer Adeline could no longer contain her laughter, it burst out from within the depths of her soul. It rang in her ears and echoed off the trees, making it seem as though there were ten of her laughing instead of only one.

"I do not mean to laugh!" Adeline managed to say through her giggles at the look on Camilla's face.

"You find me quite humorous, do you not?"

"I suppose I do, much to your dismay. But your love has left you blind to Lewis's true nature, his true being." Adeline took a deep sigh, her laughter evaporating from her at the thought of Camilla's engagement. She thought briefly of telling Camilla that Lewis had kissed her, but quickly dismissed the thought. She would not believe me even if she had seen it herself.

"I am not blind!"

"But love is blind and lovers cannot see*."

Camilla huffed in irritation. "I do not care what you say! I am marrying Lewis without your approval or not," she turned to look back at the forest, "I should be leaving. Lewis is probably waiting for me at the gazebo," she glanced at Adeline, "my time with you is almost up."

"I wish you all the happiness in the world and I will forever miss you, Camilla. I hope Lewis satisfies your happiness and that you have a long and happy marriage."

Camilla's eyes watered, her lip quivering slightly. "I will miss you too, Addie." She lightly pecked her older sister on the cheek before she raced off into the green foliage, leaving Adeline with a hole in her heart.

*The Merchant Of Venice, 1596

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