Disaster has healed itself

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Nikki's POV

"Ah, It has turned into a disaster, I mean my party's ruined, my girls got covered in cake thanks to the one who dressed as a ballroom dancer and Paige, Becky and worse of all, Charlotte." Then my phone vibrates and John was calling me so I call him back and told him exatcly what happened with the Bellabration. "Don't worry, everything it's going to be alright, I'll do something for you girls just in case!" said John comforting me (Is it weird when he comforts me on the phone, no, okay) So me, Brie and Alicia (who obviously changed their clothes into my casual clothes) went to Tampa by my private jet after Smackdown and reach into John's home.  Guess what I found..

I found John and people from NXT including the NXT General Manager, William Regal in our mansion. I was so shocked but at the same time, I was so happy. There was the NXT Champ Finn Balor, The NXT Women's Champion Bayley, Dana Brooke and Emma, Apollo Crews, Samoa Joe, Enzo, Big Cass and Carmella, Baron Corbin, Alexa Bliss with Blake and Murphy and the NXT Tag Team Champions, The Vaudevillains.

It was a blast, We were dancing and partying like mad for example we did the Conga with Dana and Emma, Finn, Apollo and John was doing a rap battle and I have to say my man is still one of the best rappers in the world, Brie and Alicia got changed into some jeans and my "Fearless Nikki" t-shirts including my snapback and as for my 198 champagne bottles, We drank a few bottles but we all got into BRIE MODE!!!! Fun Fact: Turns out that all of the champagne bottles were not alcoholic, Thank God for that!

Even though disaster has healed itself thanks to NXT, John, Alicia, Bella Army and Brie but still I'm going to wake up and exercise tomorrow because I will not let Charlotte wins my life's work (Divas Championship) and proves to the WWE universe as why I'm still "Fearless Nikki" at Night of Champions.

A/N Sorry it took so long but the next chapter that I'm going to do will be an emotional one so get those tissues ready because you'll cry after the next chapter.

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