Chapter 1 - A New Enviroment

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Lucy POV

     I stared at the large double doors with a wide eyes stare. People bumped into me from behind, as they rushed into the school. My lungs expanded and pulled in a deep breath as I stepped into my new school. The school I had been dreaming of going to since I was five. The school I had secretly trained for while at my father's while he breathed down my neck. I remembered the day he found out I had mom's celestial keys. His stinging words still echoed in and out of my head and his face of fear, disappointment and anger was forever etched in my skull.
But that was three years ago. Since then, he had hardly spoken to me except to bark at me about my "poor choice of life". I knew I wanted to be a celestial Mage though. I always had, ever since mother first showed me her spirits after her and father got divorced.
     I walked through the halls to get to homeroom, trying not to worry about what people would say seeing me again after twelve years.
     A face flashed into my mind, a face with pink hair, hazel eyes and a smile that could make anyone feel better. The corners of my mouth pulled up into a slight smile as I turned into my homeroom class, not knowing what to expect after being away from Magnolia for so long.
     Immediately, my eyes darted around looking for anyone I knew from childhood. Any sense of a familiar face, someone I could sit beside to and not feel embarrassed. My heart was beating hard and fast in my chest with no intention of stopping until I got through this day.
     With timidity, I moved my legs to a desk in the middle of the room and set my stuff down quietly, trying to keep the attention away from me. The cold seat caused my legs to flinch as I slid down into the desk. A shiver ran through my spine and as it did, laughter rang through the room and I looked up to see him.
     He was still tall and lean but muscle had appeared all over his body that wasn't there when I left so many years ago. The pink hair that lay upon his head was still untamed and spiked everywhere, and his eyes were still a bright onyx color that showed his every emotion.
     Something was different now though. The big, goofy grin that I left him with had changed into something that revealed sadness and a hint of seductive behavior. A crowd of girls was always around him, asking questions, showing off their breasts and generally attempting to be flirtatious, and some of them were very good at it.  He wore all black clothing now, and had lost the scarf that he always wore as a kid, even if it was the hottest day in years. His childlike presence was gone now and replaced with something sad and vengeful. A bad boy presence. 

     Natsu had become the bad boy. 

Natsu POV

     I smiled, "Hell, you think I actually did my homework? Nah, why would I? There's nobody to yell at me for making bad grades. Besides, I'm only here for the company." I smiled crookedly at one of the girls, whose name had slipped my mind, and she looked seductively at me. I chuckled darkly and found my seat next to Gray, hearing the girls argue over who got to sit around me. Sliding into to desk, I pulled out my lunch and began to chow down on a delicious ham, cheese and hot sauce sandwich. The girls continued to argue and I finally spoke up, "Ladies, ladies, there is enough of me to go around I promise."

     They all stopped and sighed. Gray glanced over at me and sighed deeper. I heard the disappointment and anger at what I knew he hated what I'd become. I sat in silence for a moment, allowing the truth of what I'd been doing for the past seven years sink in, but only for a second before shaking it off and grinning at the girl in front of me once again. She turned in her seat, only to hear the door slam and see Mirajane, I mean Professor Strauss, walk into the room. The girl groaned and turned around. I leaned up and whispered in her ear,  "Don't worry, doll. We'll get some time later." Her cheeks lifted and she giggled. 

     "Alright, I know this is technically only homeroom but you're all staying in here anyway and we have a lot to cover today so go ahead and pass up your homework I assigned three days ago", she began to walk around the room in her long skirt and large maternity shirt collecting the papers of almost everyone in the room. "Natsu, do you happen to have your homework today? If not, detention will be the least of your troubles."

     A dark laughter began to escape my mouth and I spoke with a certain arrogance to my tone, "Well, do what you must but I do not have my homework", before she could start again I interrupted her, "Yeah, yeah, you haven't turned in anything, this is irresponsible, blah blah blah. When's my detention and parent conference?" 

     Mirajane just smiled, "Oh no, Natsu, if you're so smart you don't ever need to do my homework, get up here and tell us about it." She put her weight on one hip and smiled at me. 

     "Well I would but..."

     "But what?"

     "I wouldn't want to lead my poor unsuspecting classmates astray, that would just be irresponsible of me."

     "Get up here, Natsu. And answer number one", she thrust a paper in my face. I dragged my feet up to the front and wrote the problem on the white board. Why did my math teacher also have to be my legal guardian? 

     I turned around to ask how to do it and make another witty comment and I saw her. 


     I would remember that long blonde hair and brown eyes anywhere. She was as beautiful as ever, even more so now than when we were just toddlers playing together on the playground. I could remember how her hair would whip around as we played catch and she would turn around to mock me. I remembered every detail of her little childish baby face, as she walked away from me twelve years ago. Twelve whole years. 

     She looked up at me, rolled her eyes and looked back down at her paper. A shock ran through my body. Did she even remember me? 

     Mirajane's loud voice snapped me out of my trance, "Natsu! Are you going to complete the problem?" The whole class laughed, assuming I was pulling another sarcastic way to get out of work. I smiled, pulling my head back into the world of Natsu and right now that world, was getting back in my seat to finish my sandwich. 

     "Well if I didn't do the homework, why should I do this? I obviously don't know the answer so why don't you let me sit back down and finish my snack?" A charming smile covered my face from ear to ear and she dismissed me from the front of the room. I plopped down in my chair and took another bite of my extra hot sandwich. 

     Mirajane sighed and waddled herself and her unborn baby to the front of the room, "Alright class, well it seems we have a new student today! Why don't you come on up and introduce yourself!"

Lucy POV

     My stomach churned. I didn't want to go up there. Not in front of Natsu or "Natsu" rather. What happened to him? 

     But I wasn't about to get on Professor Strauss's bad side either. My legs wobbled to stand up and I drudged my way to the front of the room then turned and looked at everyone except the boy with rose colored hair. 

     "Okay, well... I'm Lucy. I just moved here from up north..." I lied. Truth was, my father had taken me after my mother passed on. "I just got accepted into Fairy Tail Academy a few weeks ago..." another lie spilled out of my mouth. I didn't want Natsu to know that I had been living with my obnoxiously rich father who refused to let me do anything magic in front of him, even though FTA was begging for me to come. "I'm studying Celestial Magic with the keys my mother gave me and... that's about it..." I shyly nodded and shuffled back to my seat, refusing to make eye contact with anyone. I could feel the stares pouring into the back of my head as I sat down. 

     I pulled out my book and began to write. Anything and everything I could think of to calm myself down. Maybe I was better off with father...

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