Say Something Nice...

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^^^^^^ watch the video through headphones. Michelle Gomez likes to swear. No under 15's, please. Not that I can really stop you.^^^^^


"Look at them! My boys." My brother, sister, Kaylee was laughing, gesturing to the Cybermen around us.

"Cybermen in broad daylight? You think people won't notice?" I asked her. "And seriously, Kaylee, you really have a thing for Cybermen, anyone would think it's a fetish. How many times have you worked with them now?"

But people were noticing, coming out with smart phones to take selfies, and my new sister unpinned her hat, putting it at a Cyberman's feet. "Photos with the big metal men, one pound." A lot of people were actually paying. "Oh, honey! New York. Paris. Rome. Marrakesh. Brisbane. Glasgow. Everywhere. Anywhere. Me and my boys. We're going viral."

She showed us on her steampunk style phone, something that I'd shown her, or him, how to make. "Would you like me to take a picture?" A familiar brunette woman asked, wearing a bow tie and had a blue streak through her hair. "Sorry, selfies are never as good, are they? And you're having a lovely moment. Hang on!"

Osgood snatches Missy's 'phone', letting me grab my sister arm with gold hot hands. "No, just-"

"Nice bow tie and awesome hair."

"Bow ties are cool. Big smiles, and now!"

Weapons were taken from pushchairs and backpacks. Soldiers coming out of the buildings on both sides. "Afternoon. You've picked a lovely day for it. My, don't you look shiny." Kate looked at the both of us. "Haircut and weight loss?"

"Bit of a trim."

"Running for your life is the best exercise."

She smiled at the Doctor. "Might want to do your roots. The woman." Then the soliders grabbed my sister from me, putting on handcuffs. "Kate Stewart. Divorcee, mother of two, keen gardener, outstanding bridge player, Goddaughter of Seraphina Alanah Dark, ex priestess of the Old Religion. Also Chief Scientific Officer, Unified Intelligence Taskforce, who currently have you surrounded."

"Human weaponry is not effective against Cyber technology."

"Sorry, you left this behind on one of your previous attempts." She smiled, throwing down a battered Mondas Cyberhead as we were pulled to stand next to her. "So now that I have your attention, welcome to the only planet in the universe where we get to say this. They're on the payroll."

Huh? "We are?"

"Well, technically."

"How much? Hope that it's what my daughter's boyfriend is earning." Luke was awesome.

Kate shook her head. "Shush. Any questions?"

As one, the Cybermen thumped the blue disc in the middle of their chests and stamped their feet on the ground. Dust was blown everywhere as little engines in their feet started up. Missy, or Kaylee smiled. They zoomed up into the air, and out of sight. Osgood turned around with me to see the lead covering of the dome of St Pauls peeling back like a Chocolate Orange. And it wasn't even Christmas. "Oh, my God! Is it supposed to do that? Is that new?"

"A sun roof on Saint Paul's?" I asked her, looking back at my sister, my eyes not leaving. "Yes, I'd say that was new. You always did like to make an entrance, Kaylee."

"There's going to be mass panic. Everyone in London can see that." Kate breathed, more Cybers flying out the dome.

The Doctor flapped his hand at her, his arm tight around my waist. He knew I would do anything for my brother in the past, and as a sister? Well, we'd have to see. "Everyone in London just clapped and went whee. Hush, I'm trying to count."

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