Liar Liar

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The twins were back with Clara, because she wanted to take them to the arcade anyway, and I stayed with the Doctor, because I needed to talk to him about what I'd discovered on Gallifrey. But he seemed to realise I knew something that he didn't want to talk about, so had tried to hide. Only badle because he was in the pool room.

"You're a liar, my Dove." I told him, sitting on the lounger next to him. "You told me that Arianna was the one from an orphanage, not both of you. And you never, ever told me that it was my mothers orphanage you were part of."

He didn't look at me, but did take my hand and pulled me onto his lap again so I could just look right into his eyes, those bright, bright blue eyes that had seen so, so much. "I didn't want you to think less of me. I was there in that barn every night, for 2 years before my parents adopted me. You'd think the Gallifrey Legacy would be treated better."

Placing my hand on his face, I rubbed my nose gently against his. He didn't understand anything to do with that, but he said it was ever so slightly better than kissing so I did that more often. He didn't like much, so he said he'd occasionally do little things. "Why would I think any less of you if you spent a few years in my mama's orphanage? So your own biological parents died, who cares?"

"Phi, you don't understand. They abandoned both Ria and I, and we were found just in that barn. I was 6, and she was only newborn. You found us. You don't remember it, but you did. You saved me long before I ever saved you because it was in the middle of a snow storm, and you being you, wanted to go sledding."

Frowning, I rested my head on his shoulder, letting him hold me close. "I remember that. Kosch and I had just turned 5, because you were held back a year, because of something. I ran out to the barn to play, but I just remember finding a kitten. There wasn't two kids."

The Doctor sighed, shaking his head. "You wouldn't. Your brother, he already had abilities then. He didn't like you playing with anyone but him, because where you could make friends easily, he couldn't. You were so popular, but he made you be alone."

"I wish that he was here still, so I could help him." I sighed, hearing his hearts as I moved my head down a little, tapping the rhythm it made on his chest. "I just hope that he found peace, that the drums left like they did with me. God, the drums... They killed, I mean, they're still there, ever so slightly, but they never hurt me like they did him."

"Phi, trust me, your brother is long gone, and he is better for it. He used you too many times for me to count, and you deserve the freedom you have now." My husband whispered in my ear after tucking my hair behind it softly. "You should move back in, you've been gone for so long. I haven't slept since you left, I'm too scared I'll wake up and it was all a dream. That the last 1000 years, they were nothing and I never found you in that little shop in London."

I sat up again, looking right at him once more. "Doctor, I'm real, and I will be forever. I can't come back, not when I'm so settled on Earth. I hate to say it, but in some ways you were right." I whispered, letting my long blue curls fall over my face a little as I thought about it. "I am a companion again, and so are the twins. None of us stay here, we don't live with you. Clara's more like Amy and I than when you and I had Donna. I don't know if I can come back to being here full time again. I enjoy my job, my life on Earth more than I ever have. I'll do it to the terms end. Then I'll give you an answer, OK?"

The Doctor didn't look happy with my answer, but he knew that once my mind and hearts were set on something that it was really hard to change any of it. "You know that I can never say no to you my dear, sweet Seraphina. I know that like this... I'm a lot older than you, Phi. I don't want hugs, kisses, even this doesn't feel like it used to. I used to show my affection and love of you in such bigger ways, but since I regenerated-"

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