Left Alone

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"Twins, behave." Ma told us, wrapping a shawl around her shoulders. "You're old enough to look after yourselves, so we're not getting Clara to come over, but this is your chance to prove you're really adults."

Yeah, because we were 17, ma, and because of that, we knew what not to do. Well, most of the time. But ma and da went through the rules with us, telling us the emergency numbers, where to go if a benevolent entity took over the TARDIS, and also where the food was hidden. Then they headed out for their dinner, something I was very surprised to know that da planned every month or so, but they were gone, while I was trying to jailbreak my sisters laptop for her. 

"Hey, mum, dad!" A familiar voice shouted, coming in through the doors, and SJ and I went into the console room to see Jenny coming in, her long blonde hair loosely braided down her back, the red streak bright and vivid through it. "Oh, hey SJ, Cadia. Where's mum and dad, I've got Suzy with me." 

Ah, the lovely half Time Lord half Immortal, complete and utter menace as she would run around pulling everything apart and breaking things. "They're on a date night, don't worry about it. They'll be back in a few hours. Where's my little lizard then?" SJ laughed, looking behind our big sister to see our little niece, her very, very frizzy curly brown hair pinned as best as possible off her face as she squealed, running up to hug us.

Suzy was Rivers daughter, the older sister we would never meet, and her own da spoilt her rotten to make up for the fact that she's never really met her ma. But Suze had her ma's eyes, her da's hair and skin colour, but the curls... they were a hereditary aspect from her grandmother, who nearly always had curls like that, that Melody and SJ had both inherited. I got da's old hair. "Jack needed to go and do something, so Luke and I were watching her for a few days. Thought you'd like to see her, and I knew mum would."

"You thought right." My twin laughed, picking the 6 year old up and resting her on her hip. "So weird, she was born well before we were even conceived, but we're older than her."

"Sarah Jane, remember that I'm only just 14, yet I'm your older sister." Jenny reminded us, putting her bag down on the chair. "I keep saying this, but I don't like the new decor. I liked it when it was all bright and gold. How are you guys, anyway? In the year mums moved back in?"

"It's better, a lot better." I nodded, opening the secret panel of a mini fridge in the wall. I knew there was an alcohol one that Melody set up and apparently told Clara about, but I wasn't legally allowed to drink it, and as the one left in charge, I didn't want my lab access revoked. So I stuck to cans of coke in this, and there was fruit juice in the kitchen. "She's not scared, or sad. She was always sad or angry before."

Jenny nodded solemnly. "Yeah, I know. I kept writing about it. Luke was keeping an eye out for you through UNIT, and when he spotted you through some CCTV, I thought I'd chance it."

Luke, the genetically engineered boy genius, son of ma's best friend, Sarah Jane, who SJ was named after, and as now Jenny's long term boyfriend of 8 years. His little sister Sky was currently living in America, working on how to save the environment, as she was a Flesh Kind, having an amazing gift with electricity. So Sky was working on  power alternatives.

"Auntie SJ, Uncle Arcadia, can I have some juice please?" Suzy asked, cuddling into my twin sister. 

I took her out of her arms, swinging my tiny niece onto my back. "Since you asked so nicely, of course you can. So, how is your daddy?" I asked her, walking down to the kitchen, leaving my sister in the console room, chatting about girl stuff. Boring.

"Daddy is with Aunt Gwen and Uncle Rhys. There's a Slitheen up in Manchestor, and they're dealing with it before UNIT finds out." She told me, playing with the necklace around her neck. Her dads wedding ring to my sister, he thought that their daughter deserved something to remember her by as she wasn't old enough to remember her. "Anwyn is helping them, because she's old enough too, she's 10."

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