02. Brownie

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... the second time we meet I asked her name.

I was in the community center,

As a all good parents,

My mom didn't want me to spend the summer

with cartoons and video games

so she enrolled me into swimming classes

while my sister had gymnastic....

Ribbons, buns looking pretty and that girly stuff 

Unfortunately for me... her gymnastic is a longer class...

I finish at 4,.. she finishes at 5!

So guess who had to waste one hour of his precious summer time

Waiting for her sister?

Yes me! David... the best brother a sister could ask for...

Really being a kid sucks...

When I grow up things will be different!

I exit the boy's changing room and went straight to the cafeteria

I need chocolate.

"Can I have a sandwich, and a brownie please?"

I asked the lady on the counter.

And then I spot a light green overall

"The candy thief!"

I paid for my food and went directly to her table

She had her hair on a pony tail

On the table a bottle of water and on the floor a big blue backpack

She was paying with a Nintendo DS

As I approach her I could hear the music of Zelda.

"Hey lollipop thief"

I said standing in front of her.

She gave me a quick look and went back to her game

"Don't bother me I'm in the middle of a fight"

I saw the back of the game... Zelda


"Well I don't care you stole something for me

And I want it back"

"Not happening boy,

I ate it all... so get lost"

"I'm not moving from here until I get my apology"

She sighs, closes her DS and look straight to me

"I'm sorry you lost your lollipop, happy?"

She finishes and opens her DS and kept on playing...

I open my mouth, and closed it again...

I stand there for a couple of minutes

Trying to think in a good comeback

I need to watch more of those TV series

"Are you going to stand there forever?

Grab a chair, you are not going to grow taller

Trust me I've try"

She told me and I sit next to her

I unwrap my sandwich and start eating...

At least I was not alone

"What Zelda are you playing?"

I asked truly curious

"Phantom Hourglass"

I stare at her with mouth open...

"That's my favorite game"

And as easy as that we start talking,

She showed me her game I told her some tricks...

I think that was the beginning of our friendship

"David mom is on her way"

My sister came over our table

The hour pass really fast...

"Well I got to go too"

She said packing her game.

Out of the sudden I had a new friend

And then it snap me

"Wait amm I forgot

I'm David... what's your name?"

She gave me a mischievous smile

"I'll tell you if.... You give me half of the brownie"


"Well you have kept it there for almost an hour,

Really budy who does that!?"

I looked at my brownie


I gave her half and she smiled.

"Thank you David"

She grab it and ran with her backpack on

"My name is Joan!"

She screamed as she ran...

That day I learn that


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