Authors Note

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Hello there! Welcome or welcome back to Shadowfall.

This story was originally posted a few years ago and I found that I didn't enjoy the way I was writing the story, so in the end, I took it down and started the entire thing over again.

This is that new and improved version, the one that I find I am very proud of and that I believe is finally ready to be seen by readers such as yourself.

So, what is Shadowfall? Shadowfall is a dying-earth fantasy novel which takes place on an Earth that is, well, dying... Mother Nature is displeased with the way the humans are taking care of her beloved creation and she suddenly decides to take in all the pollution and bad of the world in order to try and save it. Though, instead, the toxins corrupt her and she throw the toxins back at the humans. Her plan is to kill off humanity and her creation and start over. But what she doesn't expect is that some of the humans are either immune, or the Toxins mutate them into something else, something called The Gifted. Now those left must survive the Mother's Army and fix what has been started.

Shadowfall is the first book in a series of books within The Divinities, which deals with the Divine (Gods/Godlike entities whom help run and care for the world - with those such as Mother Nature, Death, etc.). Shadowfall is where the world starts, but surely, not where it ends.

This book is still a work in progress and I truly hope you enjoy it!

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