1|Monday - Itis

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"Maddie!" My little sister Mackenzie screamed through the door. "I'll be late for art class!"
"I'm coming, I'm coming!" I answered.
My sister was 11 and in 6th grade meaning this was her first day of middle school today. She actually made the effort last week to go onto the Franklin Middle School site last night to check what classes she had. Me, on the other hand had slept through my alarm and had exactly 7 minutes and 8 seconds to get out of bed, have breakfast, get changed into a cute outfit, curl my hair, do my makeup, brush my teeth, pack my bag, check my classes for today and, I think that's it. I guess I could spend around 30 seconds on each task, then spend the rest of the minutes (which I can't be bothered to do the math of because according to my calculations, it's still summer break until I step foot into the school grounds, and math is against the summer break rules,) doing anything else that I needed to do, (including my chores😁). "That seems to work," I smiled to myself.

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