The Wife. (Clint Barton.)

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He's married to you in this one.

You're the Hawkeye's Wife. No one knows you, but Natasha, Phil, Fury, and work (your family). You work as veterinarian, and today was a hard day. You had to help a horse give birth, help a sick dog, and few other ones. You were in talking to Kate, the receptionist, leaning on the desk.

"That seems fun, we should do it some time." You say, smiling.

Just then Clint, and the rest of the avengers walk in. Thor was holding a golden receiver. Clint's eyes widen with happiness, and Tasha smirks. You walk around the desk, and run into his arms, which was open wide. You breathe in his scent, and then he pulls away, to crash his lips to yours. You hear Tony make a strangled noise, and Bruce laughs. You pull away, and Clint pouts, but breaks, cracking into smile. He wraps is arm around your waist.

"This is my beautiful wife, Y/N." He says, proudly.

"How?" Tony, stutters out.

"Love, idiot." Tasha says, and pulls you into hug.

You meet the rest, and have Thor put the dog on table.

"What's wrong with him?"

"He has been throwing up, and won't stop. Will you help him Lady Y/N?" Thor asks.

"Of course." Noting that he was very concerned about the dog.

You fix him, and tell all of them, of how to help him.

"How lunch with us." Clint says, and puppy dogging you.


You had a fun time, laughter was the main part.

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