Part 17: 5 years forward

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A/n: Hello everyone!~ Sorry for the long wait I just didn't quite know how to end this, so I ended up deciding on doing a look into Bill and Dipper's future together years later I honestly knew it wasn't gonna be a very long story, but I'm glad everyone enjoyed it!! So here we go! 

Normal pov 

Ever since then, Bill and Dipper have been perfect. Dipper and Mabel have even convinced their parents to let them stay in Gravity Falls, Bill and Dipper had a real wedding and Will was his best man and Mabel Wendy Pacifca Candy and Grenda were all Dipper's bridesmaids. 

A couple years later Dipper told everyone that him and Bill we're gonna have a baby. Mabel was so excited she made a whole new wardrobe for the new baby. The baby was half demon, and it was a boy. That Bill happily named Dipper jr.,who even had Dipper's birthmark. 

When the boy was 3, everyone noticed how badly he was acting and cruel the boy truly was especially towards Bill's brother Will. So everyone started giving him the nickname Reverse Dipper, and truth be told Dipper was pregnant again but this time with a girl.... 

A/n: That's all everyone!~ I decided to cut it short, I like short and sorta sweet endings so yeah! XD Anyway don't worry If you love my writing (Which Idk why you would) Then I have two other billdip stories that I'm making currently. Plus I might even make a squeal to this Idk yet I havn't gotten that far XD haha Love you all my fellow shippers!~ and I hope you enjoyed my little ol' billdip story!~

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