Chapter 1

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Every Saturday night in the winter, our local community center has a roller-skating thing. So, of course, Jay and I decided to go. And, like always, my sister and her friends tagged along. Oh well. We walked into the community center and waited in line. I scanned the rink to see if anyone I knew was there. Crud. All of the popular girls from my grade were there although I was slightly less uncomfortable when I saw them slipping and falling just as much as I do. "Hey!" I turned to see Macy, a friend of my friend Jason, standing next to me. Double crud. She was a lot better at roller skating than me and I always felt like Bambi with roller skates next to her (It also didn't help that Jay called me Bambi). We all chatted for a minute before Jay and I had to go get our skates. I grabbed some skates and tied them then shakily stood up. Using the stopper on the front of the skate, I pushed off. There was a brief second where I actually skated but then I fell on my face. "Dude! You're supposed to skate not fall!" Jay laughed. I shrugged and laughed with her. The first thirty, Jay and I slowly got used to our skates and fell (Quite a bit) although the I was the only one who really fell. After the first hour, Jay and I decided to get a Hershey's bar to share. We sat down at the bleachers and started talking about random stuff like school. We stood up and rolled over to the rink. The last song has stopped long ago and I strained to hear what they were playing now. Oh fudge.... I thought. The speakers were playing "All Of Me" by John Legend which Jay and Jason have dubbed their 'song.' I don't really get the point of having a 'song.' All I really know is it's like a song that defines a couple's relationship. Although I can't really blame them. It's a good song but every time I hear it I think of those two snuggling or something and not makes me want to punch a wall. I pushed all my anger out into my skates and zoomed away from Jay, who was beginning to sing along. I did that for most of the rest of the night until we had to leave.

Hello people who read this! I would like to inform you that if this chapter sounds different than how I normally write that is because this isn't Newcorox writing! You can call me ShadowRose! I am a friend of Newcorox and we are writing this story together so all the chapters from Hazel's perspective will be written by me! Thanks for reading 😋

Bros this is Newcorox rn, I logged onto Wattpad while Shadow was sleeping and wrote this. -u-

P.S. She didn't tell the whole story! I found a nut (not like a peanut, a metal nut thingie) that I assumed was from a skate and went to turn it in. The guy at the table was like "Oh my gosh thank you! We were looking for this! Have a free candy bar." I grabbed a Hersey bar and thanked the man before skating off to Shadow, handing her half of the chocolate because I'm am awesome weirdo. 😉

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