Chapter Five

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The whole circus was one big illusion. There were several magicians and Elise was keen on seeing them all. She seemed to love it, so I wouldn't tell her I didn't like it at all. The whole thing was just too phony. Nothing was real.

"Louis, look!" Elise pointed at a stand with a funny-dressed guy behind it. I couldn't see what he was selling till Elise had dragged me there with the biggest smile on her face; he was selling bracelets with small, shiny stones and necklaces with pendants of something that seemed to be silver. I didn't trust it, though, as everything else was fake.

"How about a beautiful ring for a beautiful woman?" the man said and dragged out a silver ring from behind Elise's ear. She blushed and looked at me.

"No, thank you." I said and moved his hand away from Elise's chin where it was heading towards her lips. The man behind the stand looked a little offended but when he realized Elise was still looking at the jewelry.

"Miss, I can assure you, you would look absolutely stunning with this bracelet. The stones match your eyes perfectly," he said with a smirk. I cleared my throat in order to get Elise's attention so we could get going. I didn't like that man. The way he looked at her made me very uncomfortable.

"May I see that?" Elise reached out for the bracelet, but the man pulled it back.

"I am sorry, Miss, but you cannot touch if you do not buy." The man put the ring back in a small wooden box.

"She cannot see it as long as you are holding it in your hands," I said and shook my head. He sent me another angry glare before he turned to Elise, "would you like to take a closer look on anything?" He smiled a bolt smile. "Of course you will have to buy it."

Elise looked at me and she could probably see my anger being painted on my face, therefore she shook her head and began walking away. I thought about telling him to let her see the jewelry right away and tell him that I was a lord and she was a future duchess, but then I thought he wouldn't care anyway. It wouldn't have any purpose, I told myself.

Elise took my arm and led me away from him before I could do anything. "You don't have to show off all the time," she said. It sounded so hurtful I was surprised it was her who'd said it. I looked at her and clenched my teeth.

"What are you talking about?"

Elise sighed and looked away from me, "I am sorry, I should not have said that. Please forgive me..."

I should have let it go, but I couldn't. How could I let something like that go? "I cannot believe you have managed to offend me twice for your own mistakes." I had to use all my strength to make sure I didn't yell. I just said it with clenched teeth and my fists closed. I moved a few steps away from her to make sure I wouldn't hurt her.

"I told you I was sorry. I am not feeling very well today. I am simply tired," she said with a shrug. I snorted. Tired. I didn't believe her.

I put myself together and said, "in that case we must get you home. Let me escort you to the horse carriage," I suggested. I knew Elise was too stubborn to admit she'd only said that she wasn't feeling well because she wanted an excuse for offending me, and therefore she had to agree with my idea.

She sighed and nodded. I could see the last glimpse of happiness leave her eyes and I couldn't help but feel guilty, it was clearly my fault. I knew I shouldn't hold a grudge against her, but I just couldn't stop me from being annoyed. I'd made sure we got to see the circus, I'd begged my father to borrow the horse carriage, I'd invited her. She should treat me with just a little respect.

It was Elise and she could do almost anything to me without I would even think about doing something about it, but when she was right, it was so hard not to be angry. I knew myself better than anyone; I didn't need anyone to point out my bad sides. Especially not her. I wanted, no, I needed her to think of me as strong and confident.

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