1: Archangels and Anti-Christs

Start from the beginning

"We can find Gabriel without you!" Dean yelled.

"No, Dean, we need her!" Castiel tried to sway him.

"You know, Dean," I yelled over my shoulder. "Castiel may be right."

Sam and Dean looked at each other, then at Cas. "Okay, fine," Sam called, "you can help, I guess." Dean started to protest, but Cas silenced him.

I turned around quickly. "Great, because I know where Gabriel might be." I smiled and pulled open the Impala's passenger door. "Shall we go?"

Dean grunted and opened the driver's door. "Let's go." Sam and Cas got in the backseats.

Dean gunned the engine and started to drive. "So where are we going, Kei?" He paused. "I can call you Kei, right?"

"One: I don't care what you call me. Two: head for Atlanta."

"Atlanta?" Sam questioned me, "you mean, like, in Georgia?"

"Yes, Atlanta is in Georgia, Sam." Cas told him.

Dean looked skeptical, "How d'you figure that?"

Cas was taken aback. "It's the captial-"

"Not you, I'm talking to Kei."

"Oh, how did I figure Gabriel is in Atlanta? Well, I saw him about two weeks ago. He was bragging about winning some contest for tickets to an Atlanta Thrashers game-"

Dean took a sharp right turn as Cas interjected, "what's an Atlanta Thrasher?"

I glared at Cas. "It's a hockey team." Then I returned to my tale. "The tickets had no return address, and Gabriel doesn't really enter contests; he is an archangel, after all. But I kept it to myself, and Gabriel went to the game. And he never- uh, hasn't come back yet."

"Okay. Atlanta it is." Dean said.

After driving for a couple hours, we finally parked in the Thrashers stadium's parking lot.  We got out and walked toward the big, white dome of a stadium. It radiated coldness.

We entered the stadium and went to the the ticket counter lady. Sam said, "excuse me, ma'am-" He was abruptly cut off as the room began to brighten.

Cas's and my wings' reflections were visible in the light. I heard the flapping of another angel's wings somewhere in the stadium.

Sam and Dean began to cover their ears and eyes as an unidentifiable angel began to speak in Enochian. "Hello, Keistelle. I've been waiting for you to show up."

I'd know that jokey tone anywhere. It was Gabriel's

Someone poked me in the shoulder blade. I whipped around, archangel blade in hand. The room dimmed as I said, "quite a dramatic entrance, Gabriel."

He smirked as he stepped towards me. "Glad to see you too, sis."

Sam gawked.

"What?" I asked, slightly annoyed at Sam.

"Sis." He said plainly. I nodded sarcastically. "You're- you're an angel!"

I waved my hands in mock amusement. "How'd you guess?"

Dean spoke up, "you didn't really, ever, tell us."

Gabriel and I rolled our eyes in unison. "Hello? Wings? Of course, you had your eyes closed, so you wouldn't have seen..." I trailed off.

"So, Keistelle, how long were you going to wait to tell everyone?" It was Cas.

"What? That I'm an archangel? I wasn't."

Cas had a look of pure hate in his eyes. "So you're the fifth archangel."

"Sure." I said, trying to not let Cas see my growing unease.

"So you're the Anti-Christ." He accused.

"Antichrist? Like Jesse Turner?" Sam asked.

"Not Anticrist, Sam. Anti-Christ." He shoved me up against a wall. "Meaning the opposite of Christ, the downfall of Heaven."

I smirked sarcastically. "Castiel, I'm an archangel. Why would I want the downfall of Heaven?"

"You always pitied big brother Lucifer." He snarled.

"Maybe I did, Castiel, but it doesn't matter." I shoved him, hard, drawing my angel blade. He stumbled backwards and fell to the ground.

Everyone was silent. I sheathed my blade. "I'm sorry, little brother. Forgive me."

He stood up, silent. His eyes were unforgiving.

"Well then." I said to myself.

So, first chapter, yay! Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed, vote and comment!

EDITED: 7/9/16

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