Part 2- Boundaries

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The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance. I bless the Lord who gives me counsel; in the night also my heart instructs me. I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices; my flesh also dwells secure. (Psalms 16:5-9)

Boundaries? That seems random!

There are a lot of boundaries in this world if you think about it! The caution sign over a hole, buoys in the ocean, etc. But did you know that God has boundaries too! Worldly boundaries are there to protect us from getting harmed, and so are God's.

Yesterday, I was taking a walk with my dad. I was talking to him about how I want to be more courageous. I wanted to do risky things. Not be a sissy and be scared for every little thing. My dad told me that was okay. But then he brought up a good question, what will I use my courage for? Will it be for good and for evil? I said good, duh! But hold, on. When I thought about the things I considered good, I realized they weren't good at all!

They went past God's boundaries.

Satan is very clever. When the pastor says that God forbids alcohol, some teenagers might think, but that's cool! God is restricting us from having fun and enjoying our lives!

But he's not doing that!

Look at this, the caution sign. Is it restricting you from falling into the hole? Yes! It's keeping you safe! But if you choose to go under the sign and jump, what will it lead to? Fun? Happiness? Or hurt and pain?

God is protecting his children from getting hurt, that is why he has so many rules. The world isn't perfect. Nor are we. That's why with God's help and with God's boundaries, we can make sure not to fall into temptation and let the Devil win.

Remember, we have God on our side. We just need to accept him to guide our lives so we don't fall in Satan's hole.

Dear Lord,

I praise your name! Thank God for your Son, Jesus! You came to this earth, to die and forgive us our sins. We aren't perfect, so we need you and your boundaries to protect us and keep us safe from Satan's grasp. Thank you Jesus.


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