She shook her head, "not scared. I don't know..."

A kiss was what it took to make her forget, to ease her worry, and she fell against him as he pulled her close. Within moments he was stooped over her, licking at her puckered nipples, nibbling, relishing every reaction in her body, his hands were on her buttocks, securing her upright, as on more than one occasion her legs seemed ready to buckle. So lifting his head, he eased her back until she was near the bed, then with a little push he followed her onto the mattress, climbing over her like a stalking animal.

Sammy quivered as he once again paid attention to her tingling breasts, his fingers, his lips, his tongue all wound her higher and higher and then with a gasp he bit her. Hard enough to shock, hard enough to make her body bow off the bed. As he chuckled his hand splayed over her lower tummy and the heat that had been swirling in her veins, the dampness between her legs, it all ramped up dramatically and very suddenly. Her thighs clamped together, an attempt to ease some of that tension, but his hand fought that, as it slid over her thighs, he forced her thighs apart and brought himself to kneel between them.

Sitting back on his heels, he looked down at her, "so fucking perfect."

She blushed suddenly embarrassed again as he reached for the top of the matching black lace pants that were the only thing that covered her. "Really fucking beautiful," he breathed as he studied her from head to toe, completely naked and spread out in front of him.

She thought she'd die from his scrutiny, but it only served to heighten her tension and anticipation. Reaching out, he slid a finger along, her and moaned softly at the sensation, she should be embarrassed at how slick that journey was, but she wasn't. Instead she met his eyes.

"Take off your boxers." The timbre of her own voice surprised her; she was almost choked by her desire.

For a moment he appeared stunned, his mouth half open, but then he stood and lowered them slowly and rather erotically, for a fleeting moment she wondered if she was doing the right thing, that slight distance between them was giving her a second to think. But she knew it her heart that was feat talking. She was bordering on out of control, but that was him she wanted him so much. If it was a mistake...then it was one that she was heading into wholeheartedly and with a smile on her face.

Free of his shorts, he reached for his wallet and extracted a condom, and when he turned back to her she was mesmerised. He wasn't huge, but he wasn't small and as he smiled at her, his erection stood almost vertically filling her eyes.

He opened his mouth to once again ask if this was what she wanted, but she silenced him by reaching for him and wrapping her legs around him. She dragged him close, and then he was there, in her, with a jolt, and uncontrolled gasp. It felt amazing, special. But Joel was holding his breath. He was still waiting for her something.

"Please Joel. I need more."

That was all it took for him to start moving, hands, body, inside and outside. Each moment lifted her closer and closer to the greatest orgasm she ever remembered experiencing, and one that he shared with her, her name on his lips as his head flew back.

For a moment, Sammy had no idea where she was, but two arms were wrapped around her, encircling her, and a hard chest plastered against her spine. She wriggled and realised just what she could feel nestling between the cheeks of her backside.


She sighed; she'd slept with Joel, finally. For a moment she had to remember what happened, then it all came flooding back, the kisses, the touches...and the biggest orgasm she'd ever had. Obviously the almost two years since she'd last had sex had led to a lot of pent up emotions. He'd offered her a drink afterwards but she could barely answer, she was ruined, completely spent. They'd cuddled in bed, but she fell asleep not long after.

As she felt for the bedside table and the watch he'd left there, six am, she was on such a different time frame to most people, 'mother schedule' early to bed, early to rise,. Except for days like today where she'd spent half the night, she'd spent half the night wrapped around the rather virulent man behind her, yet she still woke before the sun.

Suddenly her rather over full bladder grabbed her attention, so sliding out from his embrace she scanned the bedroom but could see nothing suitable to wear. Then she spotted the telltale white peaking from under the bed, his shirt.

In the bathroom she used the toilet then ransacked her handbag and drawers for some toiletries, it wasn't the first time that she was ruing not bringing an overnight bag with her.

How could he still be hard? He's almost blown a gasket the previous night, and Joel wondered whether he'd ever perform again, but here he was less than ten hours later with morning wood that reinvented the term, morning iron was more like. Stretching out he encountered empty mattress space and a vacated pillow. The bed was cold, she'd been gone a while.

He rolled onto his back and opened his eyes, wanting to take stock. He had no idea what he was waking to. He'd hoped they'd talk, just reassure each other that the previous night wasn't a one off or a mistake. The fact that she had disappeared, he could only surmise, meant that she wasn't feeling the same way.

As he was about to sit up, the bathroom door flew open and Sammy stood there, lit from behind, a stark contrast to the darkness of the bedroom, she was wearing his shirt...he sighed. He could see her outlined through the cotton, and it was almost more erotic than if she'd been naked.

"You ok?" he asked, quietly.

She nodded, then walked towards him, only it was more of a strut that a walk, by the time she reached him she had divested herself of the shirt, and was sliding into the bed beside him.

"Just checked up on Ellie, and cleaned my teeth."

Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her onto his chest, "that's cheating!"

Grinning, she pulled back the duvet and stared down his body, "not cheating, but I guarantee the mint will make you tingle."

And with that she slid down his body with intent, as her mouth connected with him, he closed his eyes, threw his head back and wondered how the hell he had got to thirty without having this woman in his life...and in his bed.

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