I hugged her; I couldn't see her like this.

She seemed so broken and still trying to appear strong.

She pushed me after some time. "I am okay. You go."

"You sure? I can stay if you want." I offered honestly though I was longing to go to the basket ball court. My feet were craving to bounce on the smooth/hard flooring of the courts but for the moment this girl seemed to need me more.

"Come on." She hissed pushing me away "I am not some weak girl who needs a guy to hold on to. I can manage on my own. You leave."

I felt a clench in my heart for the grief of the girl. She's been through a lot that she doesn't even want the company of her parents. Another set of questions tuning through my head about her parents? Where were they? her aggression towards them and Who was Elvin?

I looked at her for a long time. She was so sad, so vulnerable and fragile like a glass that could break any moment so to ask her anything now wasn't a good idea.

Then she looked at me and I guess she felt sorry for her abrupt behaviour "I will be fine. You need to practice. Please go."

I hesitated for a while.

"GO" she shouted. I thought she needed some space, crying on my shoulders was even breaking her more.

"Please leave me alone. I will be fine. I'll see you at the gym for training." She begged.

It felt like I couldn't deny her with what she wanted. Reluctantly I picked my keys from the keyholder and left.


I parked at the parking of my apartment and quickly changed into my practice clothes.

I ran for about 20 minutes on the football ground for a warm up followed by pre play stretching and walked towards the courts which I knew would be empty for the party last night was full of alcohol and girls. Expecting any of my team mates here was foolish.

But the bouncing of the ball echoed in the empty courts making me wonder if there was any other guy equally passionate about the sport. Glad that I'll have a companion for practice.

I parked my bag, my towel and bottle in the corner only to be fascinated by the tall figure in her dri-fit tanks and basket ball shorts jumping and dribbling the wall. She worked on her feet as I closely observed her most expensive Nike shoes available in the market as she turned and matched her steps left, right, then left taking short baby jumps and dribbling the ball together trying to maintain the balance, that only a pro could do.

She would pause for a while sprint to the three point line and then within a fraction push the ball towards the net and 'Bum' goes a basket.

'Wow' this girl has skills.

She was tip tapping on her toes and then trying new dimensions to basket the ball. She even accelerated the throw of ball towards the net trying to experiment new shots every time she sprinted towards the three point line.

The one I was impressed of was when she reached two point line, she dribbled the ball, jumping on the toes and enacted to throw the ball to the basket from left but with sudden backward tapping on her toes she touched the three point line and expressing a throw from left but she threw from right and 'Basket'

"Clllllllluuuuuupppp" I appreciated her with an array of claps. I was amazed at the display of the game. She seemed to be naturally talented.

Pissed with the disturbance she turned around angrily looking at me with her hazel, flickering few of her red fringes sticking on her forehead behind with her forearms. Her lips curved into a frown but quickly she averted her concentration turning around and moving her feet quickly as she dribbled the ball again, ignoring me.

Love Beneath The Darklines(completed)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя