Chapter 1 - The Unexpected Happens

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"Cassy, don't touch my perfume, it was expensive!" I yelled at my best friend from across the room. "The Taylor Swift one?" She yelled back at me. "Yeah that one, it's expensive, use the Ariana Grande one." I said as a started walking over to her. I watched Cassy as she sprayed the perfume on her wrists, throat and chest. "Will your mum let us go shopping?" Asked Cassy. I glared at her, then smiled. "Of course!" I yelled at her. "She's only dropping us off though, because she has a lot of house work to do before dad comes home." I explained to Cassy. "That's cool, but I love when your mum comes with us." Cassy said. "I know me too!!" I replied.

--Well let's just say, I was NOT expecting anything at all today, other than a girls day out shopping, but I guess... The unexpected happens.--

We arrived at the shopping centre. We literally went crazy. I'm sure we were there for a few hours. "Can we stop at the music shop before we leave?" I asked. "April, c'mon, of course you can." Said Cassy. "Thanks." I replied.

--I go to Parkland State High School, and I'm on a music scholarship there. I'm only in 9th grade, so I guess it's kinda good to have a scholarship.--

"I'll call mum to come pick us up." I told Cassy. I dialled her number, it rang and rang until it went to voicemail. I tried again... No reply. I tried again... Still no reply. It's not like mum to not answer her phone. She always, ALWAYS, answers her phone. "She's not answering, I'll try dad" I told Cassy. The same happened. No answer. "You could try your brother" Stated Cassy. "He doesn't even live around here, what's the point?" I asked.
"Well, maybe he's heard from your parents."
"No... They don't get along, he hasn't spoken to them in months."
"Oh, yeah, sorry. I forgot."
I kept calling both, mum and dad. Still no reply. "We could walk home?" Asked Cassy. "Haha, very funny, walk about an hour carrying all these bags, that's not going to work at all." I laughed a bit as I said that. But I was still worried, although I tried not to show it. "We could ask your mum to drop us off at my house." I asked. We thought that was a good idea, so we called Cassy's mum. She answered and thank goodness! She said she could pick us up from the shopping centre and take us back to my place.

We had a lot of fun on the way back to my place. We sang songs and turned the music up so loud, it hurt Cassy's ears. We drove down my street. There was an ambulance and two fire trucks and a quite a lot of police officers. "What's happening?" Cassy and I said at the same time. The car stopped and I stepped out and all I could smell was smoke. It was so bad, I could almost taste it. I saw 4 doctors taking someone into a ambulance truck. I ran, I ran as fast as I could. "Mum!!" I screamed. She was laying on the stretcher, she was unconscious. Tears rolled down my face. "Dad!!" I screamed. "Dad!!" Another stretcher was already in the ambulance truck. I fell to my knees. Screamed. Cried. Police came up to me. One of them helped me up and put his arm around me. I couldn't stand, I couldn't even think. I looked up and I saw what remained of what used to be my house. It was burnt to a crisp, the windows were smashed, everything inside was ruined.

Cassy and her mum got told to go home. I got taken to the police station. "Is there anyone related to you that we could call?" Asked a young police woman. "Umm, there's my brother, but he lives about two hours away." I replied, my voice shivering. "Okay, we'll try to contact him, I promise you everything will be okay, we are all here by your side." She assured me. Moments passed and she came back. "We've made contact with your brother and he's on his way as we speak." The young lady told me.

--But everything was definitely NOT going to be okay! I lost everything!! My parents, my house, my belongings! All of it is gone!! My brother's on his way, but he's never had much to do with the family, he's only ever loved me. He's my hero, I'll admit. I haven't seen him in three years though, since he ran away from home when he was 17.--

He walked through the door. I ran up to him and hugged him. I started crying again. He still looked the same, he hadn't changed much in three years. "April! Are you okay?!" He asked. I didn't reply. I was too overwhelmed. I haven't seen Flynn in years and this was all too much to handle. He said I was going to move in with him. That means a new school... Even a new state...

--Now, lets just say, I'm DEFINITELY not happy about moving school and state!! But look on the bright side, at least I wasn't in the house at the time of the fire...--

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