"If you must know I'm at the Tallon's for family dinner."

"You have your own family why are you there?"

"My parents are in England with my brother and Delilah (his mother) wanted to feed me you know as well as anyone that I never turn down her food."

"Ugh can I come and talk this out with you."

"No. –Cassius"

"Come on. Please."

"He said you can come as long as you don't spoil our lovely dinner."

"Aren't you spoiling it now by texting me?"

"Well we are currently hiding in a closet because I was just on the phone with Alex and that led me to text you."

"How long have you been in there?"

"Two minutes...? Maybe Three. We should probably get back to dinner now."

"When can I talk to you."

"Tomorrow during lunch. –Cass"

"But I want to fix this now. I feel like a total loser."

"Maybe because you are a total loser. –Cassius"

"You're not a total loser you are, however, acting like one. –Scar"

"You are not helping me."

"Off to dinner bye. –Cass" I slid my phone back into my pocket. Ugh this was so aggravating. I don't even know how to fix it. I tried what Aubrey said.

"Just be honest make some jokes maybe slyly make a move but don't be too forward. Remember you didn't do anything but you must at least pretend to be sorry." Did that work for me? No. Nothing works anymore. Maybe I should just give up on women and become a monk if I was in a religion that had monks... but I'm not so plan "B" is out. It started raining as I walked back to my car. Before opening the door I took one last look at the door as if Alex would pop out all happy and bubbly again. What I saw was Trevor giving the brunette girl a tongue bath on the front porch. How disgusting?

I drove down Alex's large gated hill to my house about a mile away. After stepping inside I ran upstairs to put on sweats and a t-shirt. Grabbing a book, I walked down and out to my front porch leaving my phone on the bed. I sat watching the rain pour and the sun slowly set for a while then opened my book and started reading.


            A black car pulled into my driveway, I kept reading so I didn't have to deal with whoever was driving the black SUV. Scarlett jumped out of the car still in her prom dress and pulled her crutches out of the back seat. This was the first time I had seen her without Cass in weeks. It seemed he was always glued to her hip. She hobbled over to the stairs and hopped up each one. It must have taken serious skill because her dress was floor length.

            "I don't need help Scar you might as well just get back into your car and drive away."

"That's how you greet an old friend? And you kiss your mother with that mouth? Come on son."

"Do not quote Psych to get me to try and listen to you."

"Rory do not make me use your full name. I did not come all the way here to be ignored."

"What could you possibly help me with? I'm a lost cause. I hurt all the girls I ever even sort of have feelings for."

"Please don't be a drama queen about this. Seriously between you and Alex this entire thing is getting really out of hand. So you didn't kiss Kelsie. I've already spent a good three minutes angry at Cass over the whole fiasco."

"Three minutes? That's pathetic." She sat on the porch swing next to me.

"It's really hard to stay mad when he leans over and kisses you in the middle of your rant." She smiled looking at her hands.

"Maybe you and Cass are just meant to be. Alex and I barely even started... and look what happened."

"Yeah you made a mistake you flirted with some other chicks at a dance big whoop."

"Scar why exactly are you here?"

"Why wouldn't I be here? Just because you and Cass don't really get along doesn't mean that you aren't one of my dearest friends who I reckon is meant to be with Alex."

"Meant to be? No."

"Rory tell me honestly do you like her? Because if you don't then this whole thing is completely pointless."

"Scar seriously?"

"Seriously if you don't then you can just go back to being strangers."

"I do. I really do. I know I must sound completely insane I mean I've known her for what two days? But when she was dancing with Justin I wanted to hurt him because he doesn't care about her at all. He hurt her worse than anyone and that hurts me because I don't want her to be hurt."

"You do in fact sound crazy but I know how you feel."

"How could you possibly know?"

"I met Cass in the eighth grade and it was almost as if I had a connection with him."

"It's not the same."

"You're right he only hated me half the time for the first two and a half years of our relationship. It's not the same. I'm going to talk to Alex a lot the next couple of days but you should too. Don't leave her hanging. Let me handle most of it and I'll get it fixed. Rory just take my advice and don't do anything stupid. You flirted with a couple girls so what? No big deal."

"Then why do I feel so horrible about it?"

"Rory chill it's not like you cheated on her."

"I feel like I did."

"You didn't. She doesn't feel you did she's just emotional right now give her a day or two to cool off."

"How do you know all this?"

"Are you seriously asking me such a dumb question right now? I am a girl I am also her best friend I know EVERYTHING."

"Never mind."

"Am I making you feel any better?"

"Yeah. Thanks." I put my arm around her.

"Well have fun at school tomorrow?"

"Are you taking another day off?"

"No I don't have any classes on B days."

"Right forgot. Thanks for the chat keep me posted little sis."

"We are seniors you can stop calling me that now." She said smirking.

"I can't you are like the little sister I never had."

"What about Amy?"

"Oh right her." She punched me playfully on the arm.

"Alright I better be going."


She stood and grabbed her crutches hopping to her car. As soon as her sleek black car had left the street my house was on, a white Subaru pulled in and parked in my driveway.


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