Storm: Short Story

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      The wind whips my hair into a frenzy, rain peltin' down upon my head. The deck of my baby girl rocks violently in a way that would lead a lesser man to sickness. But I ain't got bollocks meself. My grip tightens on the wheel as the heavy gales buffet the sails. I shout over the howlin' drafts and deafenin' thunder, voice boomin' louder than any lightnin' strike.
      "Half mast boys, half mast dammit! She ain't gon' be able to take much more o' this beatin'!"
     The crew scrambles to heed the order, slippin' on the rain slicked deck. I look out to sea, trying to determine what lies beyond the sheets of rain and sleet, but to no avail. I growl and shout to my man in the crows nest.
      "What do ya' see mate?!"
      "Ma'am! It looks as if a bleedin' water spout has set its sights on us cap'n! To the starboard side!"
      I curse and  motion for my quartermaster to take the helm.I launch myself over the rail, landing with a heavy thud. The waves are worse down here, occasionally spillin' over the sides and attackin' ya' legs. I slush through the water and make me way to the bow. 
      My heart pounds frantically against my bosom as I take out my telescope. My body turns to the starboard side as I try to get a glimpse of the monster that threatens my girl. I squint through the lens, strugglin' to give blurred shapes a name. The rain parts for a moment and I see the whirling mass. Damn you Calypso ya' bleedin' wench. I turn and cup my hands around me mouth.
" Full sail! Full sail! Port side Gully, ya scurvy ridden dog, port side!" I shout, runnin' to help my crew hoist the sails.
They raise high and proud and I grab onto the mast. She shoots forward, the wind at her back giving 'er speed. Some of the men topple over, but none fall overboard. After the initial shock I'm at the helm shoving Gully away from my darling ship. I plant my feet and sail for the horizon. The wind jerks my hold on the wheel but I hold me hands firm. Waves break around the bow and we skip through them.
      My man in the nest gives out a cry. I can barely here him over the howlin' of the wind, but I expect that the spout has caught up. Speed, we need more speed. Blast my fathers cargo!
      " Throw all the goods over board men. We need to lighten the load."
      One of them heard me and ran to tell the others. They scramble to grasp hold of the cargo. I watch as my fathers entire enterprise goes into the churning waters. But the storm has other plans. I hear a crack and my ship sparks, wood getting charred despite the damn rain. What good is this rain? My answer is obvious as the main mast goes tumblin' into the waters. The cries of my crew reach my ears as my baby's hull starts to split. I look at the chaos on the deck and decide to take me chances elsewhere.
      I dive over the back of the of stern, hittin' the cold water with a shock. I surface sputtering water. The waves carry me towards the wrecking ship and I grab a board, hoisten' meself atop it. The wind takes me where it damn pleases and I cling to this debris riding along with it. I check over my shoulder and see my girl getting swallowed whole by the whirling water spout. Blast and damnation. I look to the sky and curse her.
       Seems she finally caught up to me. Calypso decided to clean up her mistake. The product of her liaison with me father. Her only connection to our mortal world. I curse her and hope she allows me to live out this storm filled night. And that this blasted board don't give way neither.

Starboard: right side of the ship or right.
Port side: left side of the ship or left
Hull: ships middle or ship itself
Stern: where the poop deck and helm are located, higher part of the ship
Helm: the place the wheel and captain stand
Mast: things the sails and ropes are on
Crows nest: place in the main mast where the lookout is
Bow: front of the ship where the pointy thing is where ropes tie.
Half mast: not all the sails are out
Full sails: all the sails are out.
Quartermaster: pirates version of a second in command takes the helm time to time
Water spout: the result of a tornado in the ocean
Calypso: pirates/sailors version the sea god like Poseidon but female
Bollocks: male genitals
Bosom: breasts/chest


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