last moments

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it had started off as a normal day.

jade had woken up and did her daily morning routine. she had no idea the turn her day was going to take.

she had texted her girlfriend perrie, asking her jokingly if they could've just skipped school today and went to the mall or something. perrie said she would, but she had a test in math and she didn't want to miss it. it was worth a lot towards her grade.

jade sighed as she finished reading the text, rolling her eyes and replying "ok, but we're skipping school tomorrow."

jade wasn't the school type. she wasn't a bad kid, per say. at least she wasn't very open about being bad.

she would break the rules, but she would do it on the down low, so that no one noticed. she had to remain the reputation of being a good student, if word got around that she was breaking all these rules and her parents found out, they would never forgive her.

jade was thinking about texting perrie again, to try and persuade her to change her mind, to get her to just skip class with her so they could go out somewhere.

it was a monday and jade had no intention to work her brain again after the weekend. but, jade just walked downstairs and ate breakfast.

but if she could go back, she would've texted perrie.

after finishing her morning routine, jade had waited inside for her ride, perrie, to pull up. she sat on her phone, scrolling through her Twitter as she waited.

when scrolling, she came across an article about how reported shootings have increased over the past years. she checked who tweeted it and saw that it wasn't anyone she followed, someone just retweeted it.

she scrunched her face up, and continued scrolling, thinking the person who retweeted that was weird.

I'll just mute them later, she thought.

at that moment, jade heard a car horn outside and knew that it was perrie.

she grabbed her backpack and text books, walking out the door and down the porch stairs. jade walked to perrie's car and sat down in the passenger side, throwing her books in the back of perrie's car.

"wow, hello to you too," perrie said sarcastically.

"sorry, I'm just grumpy this morning," jade pouted.

"well feel better poopy, we can go to the mall after school today," perrie suggested as she kissed jade on the cheek. jade smiled and clicked in her seat belt.

then, perrie drove off to school.

perrie parked her car in the parking lot at her school, getting out along with jade. jade had picked up her books that she had thrown in perrie's back seat, stacking them neatly in her arms.

jade had walked into school with perrie beside her, just like every other day.

jade and perrie were known around school for being the lesbian couple. obviously, because high schoolers can't be mature about having two of the students in their school liking the same gender.

people, still, even after coming out months ago, still whisper to each other as jade and perrie walk together.

jade and perrie just roll their eyes.

jade and perrie had walked over to their lockers and got their books for their class. perrie and jade shared the same first period class.

"so, this weekend I was online and I saw that beef with drake and meek mill," perrie had said to jade.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2016 ⏰

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