26: This Is War

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(I do not own most of the characters in this story. Most of them belong to MARVEL. Also, I own none of the music, references, or videos I may use in this story. Full credit goes to the rightful owners.)

({[A/N: Just because I really wanted to get this chapter up, I need your guys help. When ever you see a spelling or grammar mistake, can you please correct me? Thank you <3]})

"Jenny?" Natasha's eyes darted from one spot to another. She didn't even notice that the fighting around her had stopped. The fighting didn't just stop, the fighters fighting The Avengers had disappeared.

I know you guys are probably tried of people disappearing and not understanding crap, but trust me, everything will make sense.

She quickly ran over to where the British revolutionary war fighter was just standing. But no one was there. Not a trace left, not a sign saying she was ever there. Had Natasha just been dreaming this whole time? No. She knew this was real. She could tell the false from the real.

Suddenly, someone's hands were on top of Nat's shoulders. She didn't make any attempt to fight the person because she already knew who it was. Her best friend. The Russian didn't take her eyes off of the spot were her daughter stood not even two minutes ago. "Nat?" Clint spoke in a soft voice.

Natasha's eyes dropped to the ground, she wanted to cry, which was unusual for her. "Nat its okay." Clint's soft spoken voice made its way to her ear. "We'll find her. I'm sure about it, and you know how I am when I'm sure about things." He smiled.

"You're never sure about things." Nat whispered, you would think she would grin when she said this, but her face showed no emotion.

"But when I am-" Clint's goofy comment was cut off by Sean, who spoke into everyone's ear piece with a concerned voice. "Ello?" He said in his British accent. "Is everyone alright? What happened to Jenny? Do you guys see her?" Questions and more questions flooded his mouth.

Natasha then realized that she wasn't upset that her daughter was gone and she couldn't do anything, she was angry that her daughter was gone and she didn't do anything. "it's my fault." Nat whispered. "What?" Clint whispered back.

"It's my fault, Jenny's gone." Nat said louder so that everyone could hear. Everyone quickly told her it wasn't, but that didn't make her feel any better.

The fly on the Quinn Jet back to Avengers Faculty was almost silent. The back of the jet had a different noise level than the front. Clint flew while Nat sat in the passengers seat. Thor and Torun finally got Julia out of shock.

"So the guy who took one of our team mates, is my long lost cousin?"

"Sadly." Torun said.

"Alright, our familys messed up." Julia said. Thor nodded and Torun smiled.

"So did you two used to get along or..." Julia looked at Torun.

"No, we never played together or even just sat down and talked. He was always in France while our uncle was in jail." Torun answered.

"He lived in France his entire life-"

"So he never knew his father until now." Julia said, cutting off Thor.

"Yes." Thor answered.

"And he treats his father, who he doesn't even know like that, like he's some god who didn't do nothin' wrong?" Julia made a face at the foolishness. "I mean I can't really talk because I just met you guys a couple of months ago but I know you guys didn't nothin' wrong. Wait right?"

Thor shook his head 'no'. "He wants to please his father. Like most Asguardians."

"But I thought he was French."

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