9: Bravado

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(I do not own most of the characters in this story. Most of them belong to MARVEL. I do not own any of the music, videos, and/or references in this story. Full credit goes to the rightful owners.)

His glowing green eyes were followed by a grin. His signature grin to be precise. He looked at the green eyes that looked back at him. It made his grin wider. He knew what he was doing. He knew what he was going to do.

Some of you have probably guessed who he is. For those of you who haven't, I'll give you more clues.

His skin was pale and his hair was dark black. He wore black, green, and gold 'drapes'. His cape was green. The arms of his selves were black and he wore a gold chain around his neck.

Figured it out? If you haven't I'll tell you. Loki.

I don't hate many people, but he is the person I hate. Hate is a strong word, however, I have my reasons as to why I hate the God of mischief.

"Father." A boy with brown hair passed his ears looked at Loki. His green eyes looked at his father's green eyes.

Remember a while ago Loki was talking to Thor about a woman, and remember I said pieces fall into place? This is one of those times. Well that and I'm remembering the story now.

While Thor was dealing with Midgard problems, Loki got out of his cell. He had fun before he got caught. Amelia was her name. The mother of Loki's son. She was French. That's all I know about her. I don't keep an eye on everyone.

"Calder." Loki grinned. What a name. It's fits him perfectly. Calder, in old Norse means harsh or cold waters.

"I put the man in your place." Calder said. The boy was just like his father. Maybe even worst. "Did anyone see you leave?"

"Only thunder pants himself." Loki said referring to Thor.

Calder smirked. "So what is the plan?" He said. He had a thick French accent.

"We get The Avengers." Loki's grin didn't wipe off of his face. "We start off slow, then we break them." Loki's hand was in a fist.

"How?" Calder asked.

"We send you in my boy." Loki moved closer to his son. "You will pose as an agent there. You are my son. You have my power to become anyone you want."

"Like-" Calder's voice trailed off as he became Thor. "Oh look at me the God of Thunder. Fear me." Calder and Loki laughed.

"Nice one, but try to be inconspicuous." Loki said.

Calder changed back into himself. He looked at his father, thought for a moment, then grinned. He changed. He looked the same, a sixteen year old boy, but with short hair and blue eyes.

"Perfect." Loki grinned. "Now you have to change your name something creative like-"

"Sam." Calder said cutting Loki off.

"Really?" The God of Mischief questioned. "You could have any name you want and you chose 'Sam'?"

"Samantha was Mum's middle name." Calder said. His, now blue, eyes squinted at him. "She was the best spy I've ever known. I shall keep that name going." His voice rose.

Loki looked at away into the distance, remembering Amalia. "Alright then, Sam." Loki grinned.

Calder, now Sam, grinned back at his father. "I shall not disappoint you."

"Oh, I know you won't." Loki's grin grew wider. He knew his plan would work, and that frightened me because I believed it.


'Cause I was raised up

To be admired, to be noticed

But when you're withdrawn it's the closest thing

To assault when all eyes are on you

This will not do.


Hey guys! It feels like its been a long week. But its almost Christmas!

Bravado, which means 'a bold manner or a show of boldness intended to impress or intimidate' (got that right outta the dictionary 😂jk I googled it.), is by Lorde. The lyrics above refer to Loki's and Calder's life. They both have a shadow that they always felt they had to be. Loki has Thor's shadow and Calder has his father's. The whole song kinda refers to them.

Anyway I hope you guys are having a wonderful day and keep having a wonderful day! BYEEEEEEEE!

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