“Harley, shake my hand” he ordered.

“But, I…” she protested

“NOW DAMMIT!!!” he barked.

She took his hand and began convulsing.

He began to giggle and it soon erupted into laughter. His laugh was even more enthralling than his voice. I was immediately captivated, like a dog watching its owner. I felt a sense of belonging.

He let go of Harley who fell to the floor, still shaking. I realized that he had some sort of hand shocker.

He then held out his hand and touched me.

Nothing happened…again.

“If the buzzer’s not broken…then it must be you?” he said growing giddy with excite.

“I think you’re immune to pain!” he shouted with enthusiasm.  “This is going to be so fun!” he said skipping around the room.

He then placed his hands on my shoulders and let me out of the room, Harley managed to drag herself off of the floor and follow behind us.

“I have so many questions!” I said with a hint of exasperation. “who is the man dressed like a bat? Why did he kidnap me? how did you find me? Why did Harley have a video camera?”

Joker didn’t seem amused with my endless amount of questions as all he replied with was “In due time, my child”

We entered this massive room. It was decrepit, and the floor was lined with red velvet seats. In front of the rows and rows of seats was a stage. I realized that we were in some sort of theater.

“Welcome home, Annie” Uncle Joker said with a feverish cackle.

“Annie?” I asked, “Is that my name?”

I had no recollection of anything except the previous few minutes. All I knew is that Joker and Harley had saved me from some sort of Bat-man and that I owed them my life.

“oh you’re right, I suppose you’ll need a new name...”

He began to pace around. His finger stroked his chin and it was clear that he was deep in thought. Then he abruptly stopped.

A stray clothing rack stood at one end of the stage. He approached it as if something had caught his eye. The clothing rack was filled with various outfits that, I assumed, were used for performances on the stage.

Joker fiddled with the rack for a moment and then he pulled something off of it.

He spun around, revealing the outfit, or rather costume, he had picked out.

It was a corset, adorned with bows and ribbons. Under it was a pair of tights. The colors on it were black and orange, exactly like the colors of Halloween. It was similar to Harley’s outfit yet completely unique.

I loved it.

“well? Try it on!” he said grinning.

He handed me the outfit and I dashed behind a changing stall that was conviently placed by the costume rack.

While I changed, the Joker hummed a tune. A smile lit my face, it was like hearing an angel sing.

 I slipped into the corset and somehow managed to pull all the little ties correctly. Then I put on the striped tights. The costume reminded me of something a saloon girl would wear or some sort of steampunk kind of thing or…some sort of circus costume. It  would fit in with the clothes of Joker and Harley Quinn that was for sure.

The outfit fit me perfectly. I looked down at my shoes. I had been wearing converse sneakers, they definantly didn’t go with the costume.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a pair of black combat boots. They matched perfectly. I pulled them on and smiled because they fit me just perfectly. It was like they had been made for me.

I did a cartwheel out of the stall and landed facing the Joker. I posed and held up my hands, each in the position of a gun.

“it’s perfect!” He exclaimed as he began prancing around.

Harley finally seemed to be returning to reality as she nodded half-heartedly.

“Hang on” She said as she motioned for me to sit in a nearby chair.

“There’s something missing..” She continued.

Joker didn’t look to pleased with her sense of authority but he let her continue.

She pushed the chair I was sitting in over to a mirror, but turned me so I could not see my reflection.

Before I knew what was what, she began applying all sorts of things to my face.

“There! All done!” She exclaimed, clapping her hands together and jumping up and down.

Joker nodded in approval and she spun me around so I could see my reflection in the mirror.

My face was covered in make-up so I looked just like her. I looked like a harlequin.

“Now about that name…”Joker began again.

“How about…Jester?” He asked.

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