My issues

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Journal entry #2

I felt like writing more today, just to get some things off my chest, but this is personal. So if anyone ever reads it, they must never speak of it.

I go to a counselor because I have depression. Some days are good and nice, but others, I get sad at the sight of even sunlight. There's not really a trigger, I just feel down. Well, sometimes there is a trigger for it. For example, just listening to a certain song, that I only ever listen to when I'm sad, will cause me to be sad if I'm not already. That was probably confusing, but this is mostly for me to understand and write how I feel.

I also have multiple personalities, which is also called something like Disassociative disorder. But I don't have as many personas as some have. Maybe four to six, because some I don't remember. I hate a couple of them, though. Because one side of me is ... well, that's a story for another day. Let's just say for now, that I act the complete opposite.

I know what your thinking, if this girl's got multiple personalities, how does she know which is her real self? The answer is, all of them are real and all of them are me. Its like I've been fractured or split into several me's.

Its hard to make friends, especially if you act differently the next day or hour and don't remember what you did. Most of the people at school judge me or think I'm weird. But that's okay because I never cared for being popular. But the friends I do have, I trust because they haven't left me.



A/N: So, what do y'all think of Lucienna? I think people with disorders like that are really interesting. I've taken a Psychology class before, and loved it.

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