"You'll be the same as before?"

"Maybe slightly different." Cassadee shrugged, "I wanna be Sassy Cassie again. I'm starting to become Boring Bella." If Cassadee were in a better mood, she would've laughed at the old nickname that she gave her twin, but she wasn't much for laughing these days.

Jacob snorted. "I don't think you ever lost Sassy Cassie."

The newborn also had a few run-ins with Sam, the first one was quite shocking to the female since he was in wolf form and she had seen him transform back into his human form, seeing much more of him than she had ever wanted. The werewolf made it abundantly clear that the only reason she was allowed on the Rez without him killing her was because she was Charlie's daughter. To which she replied with that she wished he would kill her, then she wouldn't have to live with the constant fear of killing someone. Cassadee felt comfortable around Sam, she could talk to him and know that he was actually listening because he would respond, maybe not with something she wanted to hear, but it was better than nothing. He knew that she was struggling with her new life and he knew what it was like to go through that. After many unintentional meetings in the woods, the two almost considered each other friends.

Another thing that had changed was the fact that Charlie almost became overbearing to Cassadee. She loved her father and she knew that his heart was in the right place but he always wanted to know where she was going. Ever since she got back from missing for three days he thought that her life was in severe danger whenever she would leave. He was concerned, which was understandable considering the fact that she never ate and she was always ice cold whenever he touched her. It took forever to convince her father that she was fine once she got home, physically at least, and she didn't have to go to the hospital.

"I'm sure she'll be home soon, Dad." Bella assured, Cassadee being able to hear her twins voice from a mile away when she was concentrating.

"Do you think she went with them?" Charlie asked, the desperation in his voice made guilt run through Cassadee. She didn't have a choice in the matter, but she would've told her family that she was fine if she could've.

"She would never leave you guys." Jacob stated quickly, "I know that for a fact."

"We'll find her soon, Charlie." Billy assured, "This town is only so big."

"Then why haven't I found my daughter yet?!" Charlie shouted, the frustration taking over. "I'm sorry," he apologized to his best friend. "I just don't know what I would do if something happened to her."

"She's fine," Bella said, "If there's one thing Cass can do it is survive."

Cassadee walked out of the woods then, covered in mud and twigs in her hair. She could smell and hear all the blood pumping through the group's veins, especially the other police that were in the yard. Bella was the first to see her twin, not saying anything before running over to her and hugging her. The newborn wanted to hug her sister but was afraid that she would snap her like a twig in a second. Her blood didn't bother her as much as she thought it would, even if it did she could never imagine drinking her blood, or Charlie's, or Jacob's, or Billy's.

"Oh my God." Bella said when she pulled away from her sister, looking at her.

"I know." Cassadee said, tears welling up in her eyes. "I don't want to talk about it." She said as Charlie ran over to his daughters.

"Oh, thank God." Charlie said when he reached Cassadee, wrapping her in his arms. She looked over her father's shoulder and looking at Jacob and Billy. Jacob looked relieved while Billy gave her an uneasy look. "Jesus Christ, Cassie, you're literally ice cold. Let's get you to the hospital."

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