Spectra Issue III: The Beginning

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Three months had passed in Regni Temporum. Vibra and Katherine had been training vigorously. Katherine had learned to use her scythe in such a fluent manner that one would think she's been doing it her whole life. Vibra also taught her multiple forms of combat and helped her learn to adapt and use her surroundings in a battle. Katherine was now able to contend with any master of combat; and possibly best them as well. Vibra leaned against a rock with her arms folded as she watched her daughter excel in her skill. Katherine slashed at the air with her scythe, then twirled it with the greatest of ease. "On your left" Said Vibra as she flicked three small energy bolts at Katherine. Katherine spun her scythe, deflecting the first bolt and  the second bolt in half. She then turned her scythe toward the third blast, steadying the blade to absorb the energy. She then spun the blade around and turned toward a rock formation by the waterfalls. The blade discharged the energy, sending the bolt into the rock and causing the excess energy to disperse in an even circle around her, and creating a rainbow over her head. Beads of sweat dripped down her face as she turned and asked her mother, "How come we've been here for three months and I haven't aged at all?" Vibra stood up and walked over to her daughter. "I had a feeling you would ask that at some point. You see, although we've been here for about 3 months, the effects of the temporal shift don't manifest unless you spend about a year or more here." Katherine let her scythe rest on the ground while holding the blade. "That's nice." She said, panting. "So what happens if you spend more than a year here?" "Depending on which season you're in, you'll either age really fast or really slow." Said Vibra. "On rare occasion you'll age backwards." Katherine sighed. She was exhausted, yet energized at the same time. Vibra walked over to one of the trees and picked some of its fruit. She tossed one over to Katherine. "Eat up dear. We're gonna head home now." Katherine took the fruit and walked over to her mother. Once again, Vibra tapped her scythe on the ground twice. Katherine took one last look at the beauty of Regni Temporum. And the two vanished into thin air once more.

The two reappeared in front of the mall. "Well, here we are." Said Vibra. "And it's only 8:59." "So now what?" Asked Katherine. "Well," Started Vibra. "If I timed it just right, then there should still be a small shootout happening up the street from here." "Mom, how would you know that?" Asked Katherine. Vibra put her hand on Katherine's shoulder. "Oh, Kathy. You wouldn't believe all the things that I can see." Katherine looked puzzled. That all seemed a little too convenient to her. "Anyway," Continued Vibra. "That's an explanation for another day. Now it's time for you to be the hero that you've always wanted to be. Come with me Kathy." The moved to the scene of the crime in what appeared to be no time at all. It was as if they had warped there. They were standing behind some bushes. "Alright Kathy. Time to show them your stuff." Said Vibra. "But first, you need to look more like a hero. Do you have an alias that you'd like to go by?" Katherine thought for a second. "I always thought Spectra was a cool name. And a pink and black costume. I love those colors." Vibra smiled. "Spectra it is." Then she snapped her fingers and a pink suit appeared on Katherine. It had black short sleeves, black gloves, black boots, and a black belt. It even had a pink and black face mask. "Woah" Exclaimed Katherine. "I look awesome. Mom, you're the best." Vibra smiled as she looked at her daughter in her new outfit. "They grow up so fast." She thought. "Alright mom. I got this. Here I go." Said Katherine, ecstatically. Vibra grabbed her by the shoulder. "Wait Kathy. Although you're a master fighter now, and you're my daughter, you're still a 16-year-old girl. These are adults. They won't take you seriously at first. So you need to show them you mean business." Katherine nodded in agreement. "Alright. I understand." Vibra continued, "So what I want you to do, is drop in there really quickly, and say the cheesiest one-liner you can think of." Katherine was confused. "Mom, isn't that a bit-" "Katherine trust me. I know what I'm doing. Say something really corny, and them pull out your scythe, and give them the business." Katherine shrugged her shoulders. "Alright mom. Whatever you say." "Now go get 'em." Said Vibra as she winked at Katherine. Katherine nodded. And ran towards the shootout. As she ran, she began to think, "Alright, cheesiest one-liner..."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2016 ⏰

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