Chapter 1 - The Hogwarts Express

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Author's note: 

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR CLICKING ON MY FANFICTION! I'd like to start off by saying "welcome" and I hope that you enjoy the story!

I'd just like to note that none of the characters belong to me, except Eliza Macnair, her father and one or two students that she will meet along the way. I am in no way trying to steal from J.K Rowling.

If you find that you are really enjoying this story or that you have any sort of opinions on it, please don't hesitate to share your thoughts in the comments, like the chapters or follow me for more related works! 


Eliza made her way onto the bright red train that was to take her to the mysterious school she had been invited to attend after her 11th birthday. She could so clearly recall her astonishment at the news that she was, in fact, a witch.

It had made sense, of course, when she realised why she had never fit in at her old "muggle" school, as she would later find out was the term used to describe non-magic folk. She had always been different.

Her father, Fabian Macnair, had always told her that the people at school were just afraid of what they couldn't understand - that she couldn't be shoved into one of their boxes and that intimidated them. Fabian had always been aware that the wizarding world existed but had refrained from telling her until it was absolutely necessary. After all, Fabian's brother, Walden, had become a dark wizard - leaving his only tie to the wizarding world severed. When the Hogwarts letter arrived, he chose to have faith in Eliza and trust that she would use her magical abilities for good.

After all of the excitement of buying her very first wand, cauldron, books and her new cat, Albert, Eliza was quite happy to find an empty booth on the Hogwarts Express. She sat quietly and read a book - an activity she found herself doing often.

After a few minutes of reading 'Hogwarts: A History' to herself with Albert snuggled up on her lap, Eliza heard the door to her booth slide open. She reluctantly tore her eyes away from the book to see three boys standing inside and watching her with sneers.

"You're in our booth," the boy in the middle said with a bored expression on his pale, angular face.

"That's funny, I don't see your name on it," Eliza shrugged, matching his expression with a raised eyebrow.

"What did you just say to me?" he asked, dumbfounded.

"You heard me. Now, since I was here first, I believe that it is only right that I should stay. You can join me if you want, but I'm not leaving," Eliza stated carelessly.

The boy's pale cheeks suddenly flushed with colour as he stared daggers into the seemingly foolhardy first-year girl.

'She's probably a bloody Gryffindor', he thought to himself.

"You had better watch your step from now on. Not everyone is as forgiving as I am," he said sternly, as he signalled for his goons to leave.

Eliza shrugged and turned her attention back to her book, barely noticing when the boy slammed the door shut behind him.


"Firs' years, foller me!" a gruff voice called out as children started spilling out of the train.

Eliza was silent as she followed the other first-years, who walked up to the boats that would transport them, four at a time, across the Black Lake.

She soon found herself sitting in one of the little boats, next to a boy with brown hair and vacant eyes. His expression made it seem as though he was thinking really hard about something, although Eliza had a strange feeling that he always looked like that. He soon noticed Eliza's presence beside him and looked at her intently.

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