Shadows of Ionia 1

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Two years after the War of Shadows, Akali finally musters up enough courage to confront Zed face to face. She packed her Food and Drinks, Locked the door and started the trip. She planned for the trip to take around two weeks. Even though the road was dangerous, Akali was the Fist of the Shadow, and an excellent fighter. Her kamas could easily penetrate the hardest armor, without much effort.

(4 weeks later)

"I'm finally here"- She whispered in a weak voice. She was hungry, last three weeks she was only eating plants that weren't fully corrupted by Zed's Shadows. She took a deep breath, and slowly walked towards A big door with some signs in a foreign language. Being the Fist of the Shadow, Akali knew a lot of ancient languages, this one was different. It reminded her of Shuriman hieroglyphs. She heard a quiet voice coming from the forest. It was Tsuna, Zed's right hand. Tsuna was a general of the Shadow army during the war. " He's waiting for you" -She said confidently. Akali was scared. If Zed knew she was coming, what could've he prepared for her. She decided to attack Tsuna, even though she knew She was stronger here, and that there is an army of shadows behind the gate. She swiftly threw her kama, jumped on Tsuna and cut her head off. But this was too easy. Tsuna Laughed from the other side of the road. "Is that how you treat old friends" Tsuna Said smiling. "Fuck off" Akali quickly replied. As Tsuna got closer to the door, A deep voice asked her: "Whats the Music of death?", "Silence, my brother" Was her answer. The door opened to reveal a beautiful landscape. Akali couldn't believe what she was seeing. "What were you expecting?" Tsuna said while smiling " If we're evil it doesn't mean that we don't love, it doesn't mean that we don't have feelings". Akali was speechless, just gazing into the beautiful fields of black and red roses.She was expecting something else, she was expecting death, shadows, anything but this. "Come!" Said Tsuna pointing to an old tower, covered by roses, and on top of it was a dark figure. It was Zed.

Shadow Of Ionia (Akali x Zed)Where stories live. Discover now