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In elementary school before I was even known as the bully.. There was a time when it was my birthday and I was all alone again. My parents didn't even care all they sent was presents and a card saying happy birthday. They didn't know how old I was turning... I was so upset I took off running from my mansion.. And then I was crying in a corner until someone came over and wiped my tears away... I looked up and saw Yul the new transfer student last year. Then he said " Happy 11th birthday Jin!" And then gave me a hug. From then on... I developed big feelings for Yul...

On my way home from school I was passing through a park and I couldn't help but burn in rage over Byul. Ugh! I hate that Byul. That nerd.. She's not even popular. She dresses so plain, she wears dorky glasses, she only focuses on studying. On the other hand I have everything I'm pretty, I'm popular, I'm Yul's type! Not Byul. Why? Why?! Does he only show interest for Byul that dork?! Ugh so annoying. The more I think about her and Yul walking home together everyday the more I get angry. Yul I don't care about all the other boys paying attention to me. I only care for your attention. Half.. No ALL of what I do is to get your attention! But you only show interest for Byul..... "Ouch!" I say as this girl fell into my and ripped my bracelet away from my wrist. "Watch it slut! You think your at a playground?! How old do you think you are even?! Ugh! Do peasants like you even understand how much this bracelet was? " I say in disgust while glaring at her. "Oh my goodness I'm sorry! My friend and I was just playfully shoving each other and and I didn't see you there I'm sorry sunbae!" Said the girl with a sad face. "Do you think I care? Your going to pay for what you did! You want me to end your social life? Things like you only take a full week to become an outcast you hear?!" I say while poking her forehead. "I'm so sorry sunbae! Anything anything... I I I'll pay for the bracelet please don't be mad!" She said with tears swelling in her eyes. "Heh! Pay? Pay? You.. With a bus drivers daughter is going to pay for the bracelet... How much do you think this is? No really tell me how much?" I say with fire in my eyes. "I..I... Don't know... Like $50?" Said the girl while tears rolled down her cheeks. "$50? Huh! $50?! You think that I would wear a $50 dollar bracelet? Guess again brat it's $300 dollar Gucci bracelet! How dare you!" I say while raising my hand to slap her. And then someone actually blocked me and held my wrist preventing me from slapping the girl. "Why you!" I say as I look over and see Byul. "Really Jin? You were about to hit a girl because of your bracelet? How old are YOU?" Byul says as she pushes my hand away and goes to comfort the girl. My anger has reached to the top of my head. Why this bitch is digging her own grave. "How dare you interfere!" I say as I push Byul. "Jin! Seriously grow up! Pushing and slapping? Shouldn't you have grown out of that in preschool?" Byul say was she gets up from the ground. I was about ready to really slap Byul in the face and knock that arrogance off her face until I heard Yul's voice. "What's going on Byul? Are you okay?" Yul says as he hurries over to Byul and the girl. I was starting to panic... Oh no Yul can't know this side of me... So I started to cry. "Jin? Are you okay?" Yul asks me. "...yeah.. It's just I got so angry because that bracelet was a gift from my mom and that girl was just trying to buy it off me and Byul didn't even understand the situation and she just intervened and I just feel so wronged!" As I lie about while crying harder and falling into Yul's arms. "Hey is this true?" Yul asks the girl. I glare at her to make sure she says it's true. "Y..yes... It's true.. I was trying to buy it off her.... I'm sorry I didn't know it was your mom's..." The girl says hopelessly. "Well if you understood then run along now." I say. Then she took off in a heartbeat. "Byul next time I really think maybe you should look into the situation first before intervening.." Yul says. I was smirking on the inside just knowing that Yul probably believed me and not Byul. I continue to cry more as Yul and I continue to walk away to a bench leaving Byul behind.
Moments later... "Hey Jin are you okay?" Asks Yul. "*sniffle* yeah... Thanks for all that Yul. You really are a great guy." I say looking pitiful. "Oh um thanks. Hey look so um I'm going to grab Byul so I guess I'll see you tomorrow at school" Yul says as he hurriedly runs off to find Byul. Ugh! Stupid boy! What does he even see in Byul! I'm the one he's supposed to comfort geez... Goodness I hate Byul so much oh my gosh is she going to pay for everything today ten times worse! Ugh!

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