Of Painted Water (Logan Lerman Love Story)

Start from the beginning

Devon laughed and left me there, but once Devon left the room, Baxter obediently followed, happily trailing along after that jerk.

I picked myself up off the floor and glared in the direction they left. "Mom?" I asked.

"Yeah hunny?" she asked, waltzing into the room.

"When are we leaving?" I follow her into the kitchen. We are not poor. Not by a long stretch. In fact, we probably have more money than we know what to do with.

"Soon, but I need you to pack up Sage's stuff, we're taking the dogs this time because of the bears." mom said, humming to herself as she fluttered about.

"But... she's only a baby...." I whispered. Sage is my little puppy. Devon got Baxter about three years ago, and that dog was more than we bargained for. So about a month ago my parents got me Sage. She was a beautiful Dalmatian with a mostly white body and clumps of black spots every here and there. The idea of her fighting off anything bigger than a goldfish scares the shit out of me.

"Oh, she won't be doing any protecting, we just don't want to leave her in the kennel all by herself. Baxter is usually with her and we think she might get lonely." mom explained. I relaxed and went upstairs to the dog room. Yes, the dog room. Devon must have already come in to collect Baxter's things because there wasn't much left.

I got a little pink bag and packed her leash, bed, treats, bowl, collar, brush, and toys. Sage herself was probably sleeping in the laundry basket again, so I pulled the pink bag strap onto my shoulder and walked to the laundry room. Nothing moved, but my eyes saw something that didn't belong.

A small white tail with black spots was sticking out from under one of my dads shirts. It was quivering, and I laughed.

"Where's Sage?" I asked loudly to myself. This was our game. She hid and I found her. Not so fun for me.

The tail was full on shaking now. I crept up slowly and silently, then grabbed the sides of my little shirt-wrapped baby.

"I found you." I told her adorable face. She happily licked my face and her tail started wagging. I smiled and set her down, letting her follow me from the room and down the stairs. It was so cute how she concentrated on each step. She was so tiny that one misplaced paw could lead to a tumble down our stairs.

We made it to the bottom and walked to the car. The others were already there, and I climbed in the seat just behind my little baby sister Lucy. Lucy was born about a year ago, and she is almost as cute as Sage. Curly blond hair that barely makes a fuzz on her little bald head, big blue eyes. Just adorable. She's giggling in her seat, playing with one of her many toys and looking around at everyone.

Sage perches herself on my lap and I buckled up.

"Ready, family and Logan?" my dad yelled from the front seat. We smile and shout out just how ready we are.

"Lets go already!" I yell. Chuckles fill the car as we all brace ourselves for the best summer ever.

The drive was long, to say the least. Logan and Devon kept making jokes and pulling my hair. I just opted to lay down stroke Sage's soft fur, letting the music from my ipod lull me to sleep.

I was being shaken awake and lord knows I hate that. I growled at the person and threw my hair up to catch their wrist. I twisted it around to a painful angle and growled.

"What do you think you're doing?" I hissed in a low voice. The person whimpered and I opened my eyes.

Devon was staring at me with wide eyes, his wrist in my hand and a pained look on his face. I smirked and let him go, but not before twisting it a bit more. I left me alone, but before he left he muttered "We're here".

Of Painted Water (Logan Lerman Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now