Chapter One: The Terra Host Club

Start from the beginning

Tamaki was the first one to wake. Kyouya, Hikaru and Haruhi soon after. They found themselves lying in an unfamiliar room. The walls and ceiling were painted black and the carpet was wine red. Portrait-sized paintings lined the walls, unfamiliar people in them, whose eyes seemed to be fixed on the newcomers. The window was covered in a black sheet, sunlight peeking in through tiny holes in the carpet. In the middle of the room was a plush red lounge, a blonde teenaged boy sitting on it. The boy looked like a teenaged version of Honey with same blonde hair and brown eyes. He was wearing a black formal suit with a stuttered belt and blue sneakers. He was staring at the four newcomers with wide eyes.

"That's weird; Tamakai, Kyouya, Hikaru and some random guy just appeared in the room. Did you see that Takashi?"

"How was I supposed to have seen that? I was standing on the other side of the room facing the window." The host club members all gaped in shock as Mori walked over to them, talking. "Ah, you're all back from whatever you were doing! Say, did you actually fix your shirt Kyouya? And you're wearing glasses! And what's that you're holding? A book? I've never seen you hold a pen! And Tamaki, I like your hair! And you're wearing nice clothing, not something I've seen you do. Amd I see that acne cream thing worked! And Hikaru—"

Mori was interrupted in the longest speech of his life by a black motorcycle boot kicking him in the side of his face, sending him crashing into the wall with a grunt. A figure wearing a black jacket with an open, high collar, black jeans and black fingerless gloves dropped to the floor after the kick and pointed at Mori threateningly.

"I think I've heard enough from you Senpai, so shut up!" the all-too-familiar boy snaps.

"Kaoru!" Hikaru, Tamaki and Haruhi exclaimed. Kyouya just frowned, analysing Kaoru as the younger twin turned his eyes towards them, glaring daggers at them.

"What?" Kaoru snapped. His eyes land on Haruhi fully and he narrowed his eyes, actually getting into her face.

Haruhi's face turned red at his closeness, wanting—but somehow thinking it'll be a bad move—to move away from him. This wasn't the sweet twin that she knew. He was more like Hikaru now—maybe a little more overbearing. She didn't know what she was supposed to do.

"Kaoru?" Haruhi squeaked. Kaoru's eyes widened at the sound of her voice.

Kaoru suddenly hugged her tight, causing a squeak of surprise to escape her. Tamaki started protesting, ordering Kaoru to 'let go of his little girl'. Kaoru ignored him though. Just like always, really.

"You're back Haruhi!" Kaoru exclaimed, sound happy to see her. "I thought you weren't coming back until later today! We have so many things to catch up on, if you know what I mean!"

"Wow, Kaoru really is a tsundere," Mori mused.

Kaoru's face changed from happy-go-lucky to a dark, twisted and dangerous look as he glared at the older student. Before everyone knew it Kaoru was chasing Mori around the room, shouting death threats. Mori actually looked scared.

"So, Nekozawa-Senpai was right, strange things do happen if you break that blue stone thing," Hikaru mused. "Everyone has completely changed: Honey-Senpai looks and acts his age; Mori-Senpai doesn't shut up; and Kaoru is scary."

"Yeah, that thing had defiantly messed everyone up," Haruhi shivered.

Tamaki noticed the frown on Kyouya's face as the other second year stared at Kaoru, Mori and Honey. "What's wrong Kyouya?"

"I don't think everyone has changed," Kyouya says.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Haruhi asked.

"I think these a different people," Kyouya revealed.

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