Chapter Ten ~ Just For One Day

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((AN: Whoa, we just hit ten chapters! ^_^ that's so cool! Well, anyways sorry for the late update as I been saying, I been really, really busy latly! But, I'm here now so enjoy!))

{{P.S I changed the cast, see my wattpad was having glitches ALL the time so I emailed them and they said try changing the settings to your story and maybe it will fix, so lets hope wattpad gets better! Haha, anyways enjoys!^.^}}


So, everything is alright now I guess, Wesley is out of the Hospital, and today is Eliminations so I'm really nervous. And Wesley, is happy with his new 'Girlfriend' as my sister Rosie, is his girlfriend some how. Whatever, ill just focus on XFactor and that's it. "Everyone!" The lady shouted. "Please everyone come on to the stage it's time to the results." My hand started shaking I was so nervous if I leave I'm going back home again and I can't do that, I stranded next to Demi as they told me. "Don't be nervous everything's alright." Demi whispered.

Simon stranded up and got a mic a phone. "Okay, first after the results I wanted to say that ALL of you are great and whoever leaves we will always remember you on the XFactor stage." Hearing that made me feel better tell you the truth even tho Simon dosn't really like me dosn't mean I don't like him.

The lights started going on and off which means were live my hand started shaking even more I was so nervous.


{~10 Minutes Later~}

"Only one more can go though the semi-finals..." Mario said. My hand was shaking if I leave my life is over that's too much. "The last person going though semi-finals is...... TATE STEVENS!" I dropped my jaw I was happy for Tate but... "Sammy, you are Fifth Harmony will be singing for Survival!" Mario, shouted. "We'll be right back after the break!" Mario, let me though the backstage my hand started shaking those girls are angels when they sing I'm so nervous I can't even focus on what I'm doing. I walk around backstage I see Wes with Rosie, I wanna claw my eyes out I roll my eyes and went the other direction. "Your gonna do great Sammy!" Drew, said cheering as I was walking I smiled as I hear Mario calling me back.

I ran to him as he hands me a mic to start singing I choose 'How To Save A Life.' I thought it was a good song to sing. "You ready?" Mario said patting my back. "Ready." He gave me a little push as the lights was coming down on me.


{After The Performance}


I thought I did good but, then I heard the girls and my smile just went down again I have a feeling it's the end.

"Alright lets see what the judges have to say."

"I'm going to have to say... Fifth Harmony." "One point for Fifth Harmony zero for Sammy!"

"I believe who's going home is... Sammy." My heart broke that was from Demi, I can't believe this.



"I'm also gonna have to say Sammy." My heart broke it's been such a terrible week I can't believe they had to add more. All the girls gave me hugs so I wouldn't cry I let go and start walking backstage ready to get my bags and leave home my family is probably so upset with me. "Sammy.' Keaton said trying to give me a hug, I ignored him I had so many things going though my head I had to go outside and get some air.

I sat on a bench as tears started to fall from my eyes I couldn't believe what's been going on lately. "Sa- Sammy?" I heard a familiar voice say. I turn my head over my shoulder it's Wes. "What do you want.' "Why, can't we talk.'

"Is that a trick question?"

"I-I" I roll my eyes and walked away I'm so sick of this. Nothing good is ever gonna happen is it.


((Well that's the 10th chapter! Vote, comment, share it would mean alot! And also, I know what your thinking is 'Why is it called Just For One Day?' Well first I don't know why I mean it kinda fits the chapter. And also this is my fav song from the new album! Chloe... Not so much..))

{{Picture of Sammy tonight on the side>>}}

One Day ~ Emblem3 Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now