The Master and the Padawan

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Ahsoka's POV

Ahsoka begged her feet to move faster. To run quicker. She was falling behind, but all the time shouting at the others not to slow. The entire camp was in danger. She thought of all the men there, hungry and tired. Grieving for their lost brothers. She willed herself to move quicker. They were her brothers too, and there could be no more deaths.

She carried three swords on her back, and handfuls of food in her arms. Ahsoka felt the straps of the weapons dig into her shoulder, making new blood ooze down her arm. The packages of food jostled her hand. Her feet slowed.

Anakin was in the lead, but she sensed his worry for those behind him. Everyone was laden with supplies as the droids screamed from above. They slid down a slope as the first explosion rocked the air.

Flashbacks. Ahsoka dragged herself forward, fighting to stay on her feet. Cries and bodies from the first battle came back to her. She felt her body slow, the strength quickly disappearing from her limbs.

The trees shrank back suddenly, and the ruined building emerged. Ahsoka barely made it within the stone columns when the swords swung from her shoulder, ripping her bandage from her arm.

Crying out, she fell to her knees, dropping the food across the ground. Someone, Boil, she thought, grabbed her good arm and lifted her to her feet.

"Come on Commander!" He shouted over the blasts.

Ahsoka nodded, leaning on him a little, and moved forward again. They were rushing to the supply room. It was their main point to protect. Ahsoka saw that Anakin was already deflecting lasers at the entrance, blue lightsabers glowing.

The men who had gone with them, were rushing inside, dumping their goods on the ground and trading them for blasters. The droid army was coming.

Ahsoka stumbled into the room, spinning behind a column for cover. Anakin stood across from her, mirroring her stance.

"Why now?" Ahsoka called to him.

Her master shook his head. "I don't know Snips! But we can't lose this!"

Ahsoka nodded. If they lost this battle, they would never save Obi-Wan, or discover what the Separatists were planning.

A shriek of a vulture droid echoed from above as one made a dive for the camp. Fives, manning a cannon shot it out of the sky before it could attack.

Gasping back pain, Ahsoka drew the daggers from her belt, holding both in her right hand. Hilt to hilt.

"Ahsoka!" Anakin said disapprovingly.

She shook her head. "I'm not standing back while others are fighting! You can't protect me forever Master!"

Skywalker's face grew grave, and he nodded. "I know."

They met each other's eyes, Anakin wielding his and Kenobi's lightsabers, Ahsoka holding the daggers. On the same beat, they spun out from their cover and advanced toward the enemy.

The first thing Ahsoka did was slash a battle droids circuts as it tried to shoot her. Another suddenly emerged from behind that. She swung low driving one of the blades into its chest, it sputtered and clattered to the ground. Beside her, Anakin was busy fighting off a swarm of battle droids, that came pouring through the camp. He was something frightening, swinging both blue weapons wide and high, not letting a single droid escape.

Ahsoka leapt atop a fallen stone, gripping the daggers tightly in her right hand. She searched the skies, waiting to see if the enemy would make another pass overhead. Sure enough, she spotted two more incoming ready to bomb the camp. They were flying low, very low actually. It suddenly gave the Padawan an idea.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2019 ⏰

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