13 | Getting Reacquainted with Sebastian Forbes

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The next few days felt like they were just dragging on with planning the funeral service and the reception afterwards – not to mention the discussion I had with Mr. Forbes about my father's will just days ago. And then there was the conversation I had with Mr. Prescott before coming home that still hung over my head like a little storm cloud that seemed to follow me wherever I went.

"Hey," I look up from my glass of wine to see Sebastian gazing down at me. "Are you alright?" he asked with imploring eyes.

"I've been better," I admit taking a small sip of the deep red beverage. "Are you heading out?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to see you before I left."

I smile weakly. "Thanks, but I'm fine really." I look around at my father's house to see my stepmother talking casually with one of her friends in the far corner of the room. "It's like she doesn't even care he's gone." I whisper under my breath as I gaze passed my despicable stepmother to look out the large windows that overlooked the backyard.

Sebastian places a gentle hand on my forearm bringing me back to reality. "I'm going to pull the car around. Why don't you make a last round to the people still here and then I'll take you back to the hotel?"

"That'd be great,"

Sebastian gives me an apologetic smile before walking off to exit the house. I make a quick appearance to the guests that still hung around who were quietly talking among themselves. With every guest I thanked for coming to the service and reception I felt like I was getting stabbed in the heart hearing about how much I looked like my mother and how my father raised one beautiful daughter. By the time I talked to the final guest, I was about ready to curl up in a t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants and cry myself to sleep. My world around me was falling apart at the seams and in just a few days when I go back to California to talk to Logan my world will be totally obliterated.

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The next morning, I woke up with red, puffy eyes absolutely dreading having to drag myself back into the city to listen to the reading of my father's will. I have had just about as much emotional stress as I could possibly handle in the several days that I've been home and to have to see my stepmother and stepsisters first thing in the morning – let's just say I'm not too thrilled.

"Good morning, ma'am." The security guard greeted me as I walked into the sky-high office building. "Can I help you with something?"

"I'm Bailey Montgomery, I here to see Winston Forbes,"

"You're going to want to take the elevators up to the seventy-sixth floor." He informed me, handing me a pass to get through security.

I politely thank the man before proceeding to the security checkpoint to get to the elevators. I look around at the men and women dressed in business attire and I can't help but get dizzy from the thought that this could be me. Even after everything my father told me the last night in the hospital, I knew I still wasn't ready to take over a business – my father's empire, his legacy.

"Good morning, Miss Montgomery."

I'm greeted by the receptionist who sat behind a dark wooden desk. Her smile was bright, almost blinding and her blonde hair was sleek, shiny, and pin straight.

"Mr. Forbes is expecting you in the grand meeting room. It's around this corner to the left and at the very end of the hall." She directed me, her voice light and sweet.

"Thank you," I say trying to mimic her sweet tone, but my voice was far too raspy and my throat was so sore from crying last night that it sounded more like I was croaking.

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