Chapter 3: Yuki, Kage, Kori

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Author's Notes:

Hello! I just wanted to point out a few things in this chapter:

*Shiso are pretty much japanese basil and are good when eaten with soba or somen. (They also can be made in to pesto.)

*Setsura's ability names have the word setsu- or hyou- in them a lot because setsu is another way of read the kanji Yuki in japanese and hyou is another way to read the kanji kori.

* Oh, and the lemon in honey thing. I'm sure many anime fans know this but it's pretty much like an energy boost thing and a small snack. (I should try that sometime)

Thank You.

Remeber, I do not own Bleach. Only my OC's.


The leaves and grass rustled as we ran through the open field. I ran in caution focusing in my surrounding. Looking back at the presence following me, I stopped and turned taking him on head forward. We clashed swords as sweat dropped and we stared at each other with ambition. He pushed me back with great force and repetitively attacked with brute force,


“Ha!” The final blow threw me in to a tree. I slid to the ground and looked up at the point of the wooden katana in my face, “My win, Setsura.” He said. I was taking uneven breaths and I relaxed my shoulders. He pulled his blade back and rested it on his shoulders. “Here,” He put his hand out, “You’re not hurt badly are you?” I smiled and took his hand,


“Yes, thank you very much,” He pulled me on to my feet and sighed,


“You have to learn to use the opponents strength against them,” he told me, “You have great speed and stance.” He handed me a water bottle. “It would be easy if you got super strength,” I laughed lightly,


“Hey, are you done yet?” she called,


“Yeah, just about now.” He patted my head, “Just remember that, Setsura and you’ll be fine on the next training class,” He assured,


“Yes, thank you very much!”


She let out a sigh and walked over to me,

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