Finn: Wait. Did Snokes and Commander Hux actually call me a traitor in the movie?

Snokes: No. I just wanted to join in.

Commander Hux: Same.

Luke Skywalker:  ...........

DecepticonFan: You said it Luke, or you didn't say it, I guess.

SmoothBot: Why isn't he saying anything? Was he even in the movie?

Rey: Yes, he was in the movie, but he showed up at the last minute or two, and he did not say a word.

SmoothBot: Oh.

19NC_Medix: Well that sucks.

Han Solo: Yes, yes it does.

Leia Organa: But it doesn't matter.

Kylo Ren: No it doesn't, because when I find him, I am going to kill him.

Luke Skywalker:  ...............

Leia Organa: BEN SOLO!

TransFan: Uh oh. things just got real.

Shiny: Who is Ben Solo?

CrabCreature: Maybe it's someones real name.

UntrackableCon: Real name?

CrabCreature: Well one of them may not be using their real name.

UntrackableCon & Shiny: Oh.

LooksLikeStarscream: Is he right TransFan?

TransFan: Yes he is.

RuleBreaker: Wow.

LeaderBot: That's surprising.

CrabCreature: Whatever. 

DecepticonFan: Wait. Puppy_SteelJaw are you watching us type?

Puppy_SteelJaw: No.

19NC_Medix: She totally is!

Puppy_SteelJaw: Fine, i'm just going to leave the chat because....

TransFan: ?????

Puppy_SteelJaw: I know nothing about Star Wars. Happy?

<Puppy_SteelJaw has left the chat>

Sir-Punch-A-Lot: Uh, what was that about?

TransFan: Obviously she doesn't know anything about Star Wars.

Poe: Well there are a lot of people who have never watched the movies.

Captain Phasma: If only there were more people who are into Star Wars.

Finn: Well they probably just weren't into that kind of stuff.

TR-8R: Traitor!

Finn:  -_-

19NC_Medix: Can you say anything other than that?

Chewbacca: Rhawaaa Whaaagha Whrrraa.

DecepticonFan: Uh, what did he say?

Han Solo: He said: no, he can not say anything else.

ThisIsSoCool: Why is that?

Finn: Because that was the only thing he said in the movie, before he was killed.

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