Chapter 6 - Demented Pair

Start from the beginning

"Do you honestly think this is my first time being chased by paparazzi?" I smirked at him.

He shrugged, looking around him. "I guess not. But why a library?"

It's now my turn to shrug. "It's huge for one so it's easy to lose them around the structure and it's usually filled with people about our age so we can blend in." Thank god he didn't wear that ridiculous suit from yesterday, or he would've stood out like a sore thumb. No matter how good he looked in it.

For a second, he looked impressed. "Nice job, Angel," he smiled at me.

"Yeah, whatever," I turned away from him nonchalantly. Not my best comeback but I was too taken back, not by his compliment but by how pleased I felt from that. It's almost like I was still 5 years old and still worshipping him. "Act normal," I told him before trying to blend into a table with a bunch of high school kids, picking up a random book to hide my face. Chase taking my queue and took a seat at the private study table, his face hidden while inside the cubicle.

As soon as he settled, the paparazzi guy burst into the library loudly causing the librarian to glare at him and the proceeded to scold him while he looked sheepishly around, still trying to locate our whereabouts though unsuccessfully. Apparently, he isn't allowed in the library for the disturbance he had caused and was escorted out by two burly security guards. Even when he was on his way out, he still keep glancing around and when his eyes wandered in my direction, I dropped the book covering my face and mockingly waved at him.

His eyes widened and he reached for his camera. But the security guards saw it before he does and one of them confiscated it from him. In the end, he was thrown out without achieving what he came for. Oh well, it's sad when you have a story but no proof to support it.

Then it's nothing but a rumor. My lips unconsciously tilted up at the sides into a smirk.

I feel someone leaned on the end of the table beside me, "You're diabolical," a whispered in my ear, his breath sent a shiver through me. I shrugged it off and turned my smirk up at Chase.

"Couldn't help myself," I whispered innocently at him, batting my lashes exaggeratingly.

He grinned at me. Leaning down again he said, "Now that he's gone, let's get out of here. How about that breakfast?" I raised my eyebrows at him, so we're back to that, huh? By now I already know denying him won't make a difference. Not to mention that paparazzi could possibly be still waiting for us outside but the victory from the aftermath with the pap made me thirst for another.

So instead of telling him that, I answered with a loud voice; "I DON'T WANT TO SPEND THE NIGHT WITH YOU!!!". All the students in the library started staring at Chase with judgmental eyes and he was embarrassed as he walked back to his seat from before. I, on the other hand, raised the book I was holding again. Before it was to hide my face but now it was to hide me laughing my ass off. Thinking of his face when I said that to him in front of everyone only sets me off on another round of laughter. He peeked at me several times, and turned away with an annoyed grunt when he saw my shaking shoulders.

Chase: 1, Destiny: 2. I win.

After a couple of minutes, I manage to compose myself and I walked quietly to his table, finally ready to go have that breakfast he persistently wanted us to have to make up for the embarrassment. Even by my standard, that may have been too harsh. But after one last joke, so I whispered to him, "Listen here you little devil, I study psychology," okay, just one semester because I need to, "and I know what a man is thinking, I guess you felt embarrassed, right? Well, get used to it. I hope you don't think you'll have a peaceful stay in my turf."

Chase turned to me with a mischievous glint in his eyes and before I knew what's coming to me, responded with a loud voice: "$300 JUST FOR ONE NIGHT?! THAT'S TOO MUCH!!!" To my mortification, all the people in the library looked at me in shock at the turn of events and they started whispering amongst each other, eyes averting from us. Chase then whispered in my ears, "I studied Law and I know how to make someone feel guilty, Angel. So bring it on, I'm looking forward to rumble with you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2016 ⏰

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